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  • Using the Sacred Glance in Centering Prayer
  • Posted by pbegeman on July 11, 2022 at 3:39 pm in reply to: Sunday July 10: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? #125997

    Thank you for sharing this reflection, Linda. It touched my heart. – Pamela Begeman

    Posted by pbegeman on July 6, 2022 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Sunday July 3: A Channel of God’s Grace #125736

    Dear Adeline: I am so so sorry.  Prayers of grace and healing and justice. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on June 2, 2022 at 2:53 pm in reply to: Sunday May 29: Heaven All The Way To Heaven #124665

    Amen. Thank you for sharing, Jeannie. – Pamela Begeman

    Posted by pbegeman on May 16, 2022 at 7:28 pm in reply to: Sunday, May 15: How to Love #124274

    Amen, thank you, Linda. On Saturday I blessed the person who took my smartphone instead of returning it, even with a sticker on it with my husband’s phone number. I am truly sorry for the negative karma this person is accumulating, and for whatever circumstances in their life have them choosing theft over kindness. My practice of love looks like blessing them and moving through the process of getting a new phone without resentment. In addition, I was silently blessing the people at the big-box store who were helping with the new phone. I hardly said a word to them, but at the end of an hour-and-a-half transaction, the woman looked at me and said I was very “gracious and elegant,” even though I was dressed in a flannel shirt and not feeling all that well. I’m sure she was feeling the field of prayer I was intentionally creating. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on April 26, 2022 at 10:55 pm in reply to: Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence #123534

    Thank you all for your deep reflections.  I am motivated to listen to this guided meditation again after my 20-month-old granddaughter departs after a week long visit. She is nothing but I AM – fully and authentically herself as a radiant smile, a total dramatic meltdown to the floor, and everything in-between.  Nothing lasts for long … the flow continues.  – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on April 18, 2022 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Sunday April 17: Two Movements of Resurrection #123176

    So true and so beautifully written, Sue. The paradoxes and opposites merge and become one experience of alleluia.

    Posted by pbegeman on April 18, 2022 at 3:00 pm in reply to: Sunday April 17: Two Movements of Resurrection #123175

    Adeline: Your sharing is so powerful and mystically rich. I appreciate your capacity to describe your ineffable journey deeper into Spirit. It’s clear your intention and consent has a created a powerful field of surrender and willingness, where the prayers are praying you on ever-deeper levels. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on April 4, 2022 at 3:17 pm in reply to: Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith #122839

    Adeline: Thank you for sharing this deep, grace-filled experience of kenosis.  So grateful to be walking with you in deep waters. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on March 14, 2022 at 8:05 pm in reply to: Sunday March 6: Say The Word #122399

    To address your question, which is a common one, if the memories and thoughts come up during your time of Centering Prayer, then just treat them like you would any “thought”, the umbrella term which includes sensations, emotions, images, memories, etc., — and return ever-so-gently to your sacred word or symbol. If after your time of Centering Prayer these memories are images are still lurking around, you may wish to journal about them, speak with a trusted spiritual companion or counselor, or whatever you are called to do to process them, or just let them be. The important thing is that we are not giving them our attention and intention during the time of Centering Prayer. These are normal occurrences of the unloading of the unconscious; what is coming up is going out, i.e., is being brought into the light for healing and releasing.

    Posted by pbegeman on February 7, 2022 at 7:55 pm in reply to: Sunday February 6 – Risk Deep Waters #121400

    Brenda: All thanks goes to John Farrelly, one of the Word of the Week team members, who suggested this meditation. Kudos to you for actually taking up the invitation and allowing it to wash over you. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on February 4, 2022 at 4:23 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew #121348

    Carolyn:  I very much like this phrase “Take what you like and leave the rest.” A good healthy affirmation free of judgement and full of freedom to choose.  Thanks for sharing. – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on January 31, 2022 at 11:45 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew #121249

    Each of these posts thus far (Linda, Kathleen, Adeline and Susan) have touched me in different ways.  I so appreciate your sharing.  What resonates with me is the freedom to make conscious choices when awakened to the blindness of mythic membership consciousness.  I remember as a very young child having this clear sense of what was true and right for me — a kind of innate truth sensor.  When put into a religious grade school, I knew that what I was being taught about God was not true and stood my ground, even as a very shy and introverted child.  Looking back, there was some amazing moments of taking a different direction than “the crowd.” This truth sensor was lost and subjugated as I grew older and wanted to fit in and be liked.  But when I started the spiritual journey in my 30’s, it slowly resurfaced, along with a greater freedom to see differently and make different choices again. Alleluia! – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on January 10, 2022 at 5:44 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil #120709

    I started a new practice today – morning pages, as prescribed by The Artists Way program. Three pages a day, no matter what, in long-hand.  What is written is not the point; the point is just writing one’s stream of consciousness.  What surprised me is at the end of my three pages, which were  easy enough, even though I’ve never been a journal person, I — or something — wrote “I love you.” I take this as a sign that the sense of being unconditionally loved by God — and loveable — is starting to permeate my being.  Thank God!

    Thank you to all who post here and share your being and insights with the rest of us. I read them all. – Pamela

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by pbegeman.
    Posted by pbegeman on April 28, 2021 at 5:15 pm in reply to: Sunday April 18: Practicing Resurrection #114013

    Sr. Behm: So glad to know your Beingness is in the world sharing Divine Love is simple and practical ways.  And so glad you are part of the Word of the Week community! – Pamela

    Posted by pbegeman on March 30, 2021 at 9:05 pm in reply to: Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away #113448

    Kathleen, I join you, on my knees in utter stillness. – Pamela

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