Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil

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  • Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil
    • Posted by pbegeman on January 7, 2022 at 5:49 pm #120633

      [link to full email]:

      [excerpt from email]: Practice: “You are my Son/Daughter, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.” Try reading this sentence slowly, with your own name at the start, and reflect quietly on God saying this to you, both at your birth and every day since. Learn to hear these words addressed to yourself. Let them change you, mould you, make you somebody new; the person God loves.


    • Posted by Susan Kenney on January 9, 2022 at 3:37 pm #120691

      “You can be anything you want to be. “. These words, spoken to me by my Dad when I was 12 years old, have stayed with me. It was an unusual statement – from a native Nebraskan in the late 1950s. I have carried that message through my life, even when the path was rocky or confusing. I imagine that Jesus carried the words he heard from his Father into his ministry, into the Garden, onto to Calvary and into the resurrection. As I reflect on my life, I have realized that my Dad had been a conduit for God’s word.

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on January 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm #120695

      From a homily this morning:  “we all are offered many opportunities of Baptismal moments, when we are submerged in the waters of change, discovery moments, decision times or illness or death and ….. Intentionally this week I want to honor these moments that will be offered to me this week including those from my memory bank. “The Spirit blows where it chooses.” (John 3:8). Susan, I too have dad moments, anchors in my life, that have seen me through many many baptismal moments.

    • Posted by pbegeman on January 10, 2022 at 5:44 pm #120709

      I started a new practice today – morning pages, as prescribed by The Artists Way program. Three pages a day, no matter what, in long-hand.  What is written is not the point; the point is just writing one’s stream of consciousness.  What surprised me is at the end of my three pages, which were  easy enough, even though I’ve never been a journal person, I — or something — wrote “I love you.” I take this as a sign that the sense of being unconditionally loved by God — and loveable — is starting to permeate my being.  Thank God!

      Thank you to all who post here and share your being and insights with the rest of us. I read them all. – Pamela

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by pbegeman.
    • Posted by Brenda Bayne on January 10, 2022 at 9:54 pm #120716

      From Epiphany on the Jordan, Malcolm aguite

      ”The Father speaks, the Sprit and the Son
      Reveal to us the single loving heart
      That beats behind the being of all things
      And calls and keeps and kindles us to light.”

      I am sitting with …”the single loving heart that beats behind the being of all things”…   To remember that behind everything I am and do, there is a single beating heart, which is not my own, telling me that I am loved and am pleasing to God.  This is pretty astonishing.  And very encouraging.


    • Posted by Brenda Bayne on January 10, 2022 at 9:59 pm #120717

      Thank you Pamela.  A long time ago I started Morning Pages and stopped because, like you, I am not a journal person.  Your words are encouraging and I have put ready a notebook by my bed to begin again tomorrow.  I think this will be very helpful as I walk an unknown path alongside my daughter for the duration, however long that will be.
      I am grateful for the timing of your post Pamela.

    • Posted by MarleneOSB on January 12, 2022 at 10:09 am #120745

      How many times I’ve read this passage, focusing on what that Voice from heaven would say.  The content drew me, not the fact that it was a Voice from heaven. That also tends to be how I go through the day… focusing on the content of the moment rather than first on the fact that every moment is an utterance of that Voice. This includes all the moments that are ordinary, routine, sometimes even not particularly desirable. And then I understand why St Benedict, under whose monastic Rule I live, tells his monastics to begin every day with the verse from Psalm 95:. “If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts.” That Voice will speak all day long in everything.

    • Posted by linda rhead on January 15, 2022 at 3:23 pm #120865

      Sunday January 9: Draw Back the Veil

      Beloved. Delighted. Well-Pleasing. God whispered these words to me from before my birth; from the moment God’s thought created me. I step into a new year with a light heart and new role as I have allowed those words to change me. I pray to become the linda God spoke into existence eons ago. Amen. <3 linda

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on January 15, 2022 at 4:10 pm #120866

      Linda, I join you re-iterating my intentionally in becoming that which God spoke into our existence all those years ago. A gift of this week is this quote from Max Frisch: “Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.” God’s word is so powerful I can join in a lifetime of unfolding.

      May I add that in the 1990’s I was introduced to “morning pages” eventually I began Progoff journaling. Those of us whose pathway has been that of darkness need the guiding hand of the Spirit through such instruments as these. Years ago now Jesus’ words: I am the light of the world” (ff) became my discernment companion. To my” joy/delight”, these words are being experienced more often now as “I unfold) even as I am involved in some of the most challenging aspects of “walking with” as we in Canada open our hearts to our Indigenous people and takes seriously the care of our earth.

      Deep gratitude for all of you my “Word of the Week” companions.

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