linda rhead

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  • Posted by linda rhead on January 30, 2022 at 4:10 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew #121207

    Sunday January 30: They Thought They Knew

    “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.” What I hear in my journey now is it is time to step into my God-given destiny. “…in quietness and trust shall be your strength.” (Isaiah 30:15) Trust resonates deeply today. Jesus trusted the time and place for his ministry launch. I trust God to bless and protect my life as well. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on January 23, 2022 at 5:12 pm in reply to: Sunday January 23 – Becoming a Word of God #121031

    Sunday January 23: Becoming a Word of God

    Sitting with today’s reflection, the Maria Tasto quote “learn how he [Jesus] responded to the needs of others” resonates. How can I better respond, not react? Silence stills my emotions most days and is a great start. Could I become more receptive? This week, I will sit with “learn how Jesus responds to the needs of others”. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on January 21, 2022 at 7:56 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 16: Christophany #121002

    Sunday January 16: Christophany

    This week my active prayer sentence is “seek the mystery of Christ”. All I do, everyone I encounter, I try to see with Christ’s eyes. During a period of deep frustration, I sensed and pondered upon a deeper joy. How can I be joyful amidst such frustration? In a sense, Jesus could also have felt frustration with Mary’s request, yet honored it. May I honor God’s requests with grace. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on January 15, 2022 at 3:23 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil #120865

    Sunday January 9: Draw Back the Veil

    Beloved. Delighted. Well-Pleasing. God whispered these words to me from before my birth; from the moment God’s thought created me. I step into a new year with a light heart and new role as I have allowed those words to change me. I pray to become the linda God spoke into existence eons ago. Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on January 3, 2022 at 4:08 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 2: Only a Beckoning Star to Follow #120370

    Sunday January 2: Only a Beckoning Star to Follow

    To see the Divine in unexpected places allows for new ways “for the expansion of that life to the whole of our lives and to the healing of the human community in which we live.” Father Keating invites us to experience Divine life in daily life, to heal our communities by seeking to be the light to others. I cannot know who, where, when; I just know with fidelity to my practice, I can be that healing light. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 18, 2021 at 1:05 pm in reply to: Sunday April 18: Practicing Resurrection #113782

    Sunday April 18: Practicing Resurrection

    Father Keating states that the spiritual journey is carried out in daily life. In doing the mundane tasks with extraordinary love, when no one is watching, I embody the resurrection: dying to approval and recognition and living to make God smile. Life as it is means a lot of being home and caring for it as I would if planning for holy visitors. It means caring for myself to exercise daily, pray, nourish body and mind with wholesome content for health and growth…like these devotions. Day in and out, whether I want to, is fidelity to the practice and dying to self. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 11, 2021 at 8:50 pm in reply to: Sunday April 11: “My Lord and My God” #113665

    Sunday April 11: “My Lord and My God”

    The beauty of combining a centering prayer practice with the Welcoming Prayer is the ability to let go of judgment of a particular situation (event, person). Gazing on it with the eyes of Divine Love, I respond as led by the Holy Spirit. Centering prayer allows me to see which of the emotional centers was triggered. Welcoming prayer lets me attempt to respond in love. Not perfectly, yet lovingly attempted. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 10, 2021 at 10:19 pm in reply to: Easter Sunday April 4: Light, Life, Love #113646

    Easter Sunday April 4: Light, Life, Love

    What speaks to my heart? The resurrection occurring on the first day of a new working week means I take this resurrected me and go forth among the people: to grocery stores, doctor’s offices, on the neighborhood street. Where I am placed is where Divine Light, Life, Love flows. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 10, 2021 at 10:13 pm in reply to: Sunday March 28: All Things Are Possible #113645

    Sunday March 28: All Things Are Possible

    To realize my best response to the world’s plea of “please, help” is my centering practice makes me acutely aware of how interconnected we all are. Joined in silent prayer with others around the world gives me hope that through us all Divine Light, Life and Love can flow and heal the world’s ills. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 10, 2021 at 10:08 pm in reply to: Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away #113644

    Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away

    What is the response from my heart to these practices? The statement I first heard at a centering prayer course: you don’t do centering prayer – centering prayer does you. To respond to any and all of life’s situations by the complete, free giving of myself is my daily prayer. Thank you for the refreshing reminder. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 10, 2021 at 10:03 pm in reply to: Sunday March 14: Opening our Eyes #113643

    Sunday March 14: Opening Our Eyes

    Moments of judgment are times for me to sit back, take a deep breath (or three), and examine which of my emotional centers are being triggered. When I can let go of needing to judge, I can be freer to love and to pray for the person or situation. I can respond from grace, not react with emotion. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on March 8, 2021 at 1:17 pm in reply to: Sunday March 7: Keeping Sabbath #113062

    Sunday March 8: Keeping Sabbath

    What calls to my heart at this time? Being as openly receptive as I can be, both during my centering prayer times and throughout my day. It takes focused energy to be attentive; focused, holding still in sacred space, until released into the world when needed. Day in and out, little Divine capacitors. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 28, 2021 at 5:51 pm in reply to: Sunday February 28: The Ears of The Heart #112886

    Sunday, February 28: The Ears of The Heart

    As I reflect on this past week in “vida divina,” I realize I am a person to whom those I know (and some I don’t) will honestly, freely, and trustingly answer my query “how are you?” When people are suffering, to be heard nonjudgmentally by someone who cares is a gift I can bring to my corner of the world. I hadn’t realized this holy listening was not the norm until today’s reflection. Lord, help me remember to ask always “what are you going through?” Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 23, 2021 at 12:23 am in reply to: Sunday February 21 – The Time of Fulfillment #112768

    Sunday, February 21: The Time of Fulfillment

    I pray to remain aware of my immersion in the Divine Presence this week, with several challenging and unsettling events on the calendar. “Your ways are love and truth” will be my breath prayer through medical consultations and other financial decisions that need to be made. Paired with “Trust in the Lord”, I will be as peace-filled as I can be this week. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 23, 2021 at 12:18 am in reply to: Sunday February 14: Touches of The Spirit #112766

    Sunday, February 14: Touches of the Spirit

    I have been made clean of my desire to know everything over even close to everything. As a young Navy wife, I often heard the phrase “you are on a need-to-know basis, and you don’t need to know.” Trust God would take that incredibly irritating phrase from my past and use it as a tool to free me from the bondage of too much “knowledge”. What still needs purifying? My motives, my desire to help when perhaps help is not wanted. God knows what need purifying more – and I humbly submit to that gracious work. <3 linda

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