linda rhead

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Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)
  • Posted by linda rhead on September 2, 2022 at 3:18 pm in reply to: Sunday August 28: Table Matters #127615

    Sunday August 28: Table Matters

    “The life that reveals itself quietly” (Rilke) is “our realization of being a creative act of God, simply unique and absolutely precious” (Bruteau). Once we embrace our own precious uniqueness via centering prayer, we lean more toward seeing others’ precious uniqueness. The circle expands from precious family to friends, neighbors, co-workers, strangers, “‘the least’ of our brothers and sisters”. It takes practice. For many, seeing our own preciousness is a daily struggle. For them I offer my silent petitions. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on August 23, 2022 at 9:45 pm in reply to: Sunday August 21 – Harvest in The Healing Place #127489

    Sunday August 21: Harvest in The Healing Place

    I have fixed my face toward the narrow door of God’s path for me – that was the hard part. Sylvester O’Flynn’s statement resonates: “…once the direction is right there can be a relaxed and gentle movement forward which allows one to enjoy the journey to God’s door.” Regardless of setback or easy walking, being present in twice daily centering prayer eases my frustrations with current physical limitations. I accept I am doing what God intends I do today. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on August 18, 2022 at 7:01 pm in reply to: Sunday August 14 – Worth the Risk #127429

    Sunday August 14: Worth the Risk

    “For the wounds that bring us to a place of unknowing…

    Nurture of our many villages…
    healing that comes in unexpected ways…thanks be.”

    Barbara Holmes’ words speak encouragement in this new yet familiar place of unknowing, living with a recent autoimmune diagnosis and treatment “tweaks”. I am planning a retreat for one of my villages, knowing healing for all will come in unexpected ways. I do what I can daily, thankful for temporary restrictions of energy and thought in order to just be, to live in awareness of my wonderfully knit body. The knitting has had a few dropped stitches over the years. My body and I are picking those stitches up and slowly mending the holes formed. Thankful, too, for this online village. Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on August 11, 2022 at 8:23 pm in reply to: Sunday August 7 – A Shift of Presence #127293

    Sunday August 7: A Shift of Presence

    In this season of life, I am practicing attentiveness and gratitude as far as my health is concerned. As medications are adjusted, I am aware of changes to energy, focus and a variety of temporary limits on physical abilities, for which I thank God each dawn. I am present again, thank You Lord. Use me. This is what is, let me rejoice and be glad. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on August 3, 2022 at 8:47 pm in reply to: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection #127077

    Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection

    Today Father Keating verse resonates deeply:

    God empowers our powerlessness

    So that we may never despair

    Of unconditional forgiveness and infinite mercy.

    I’m powerless over an auto immune diagnosis. Instead of despair of what cannot be done I extend myself forgiveness and mercy, offering thanks to God for what I can do. Every minute of every day. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on July 24, 2022 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Sunday July 24: Because of Our Quiet #126697

    Sunday July 24: Because of Our Quiet

    Pray. Surrender. Just be. We must be filled with still if we are to mirror others’ images to them “for a moment with a clear, perhaps even fiercer life because of our quiet.” This level of stillness comes from fidelity to the practice, “the contemplative’s way of door knocking.” Let me know via “this simple buy not easy practice” this week and always. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on July 20, 2022 at 8:36 pm in reply to: Sunday July 17: The Mystery of Divine Reciprocity #126528

    Sunday July 17: The Mystery of Divine Reciprocity

    “Both the honor of giving and the humility of receiving are necessary halves of the equation.” Robin Kimmerer’s words shimmer this week as I reflect on this meditation. I know I can be a selfless giver. I need to work on being a humble receiver of the gifts of love from others. Keep me soft and open to receiving, Lord, and reckless in giving. Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on July 11, 2022 at 10:01 am in reply to: Sunday July 10: Won’t You Be My Neighbor? #125808

    Sunday July 10: Won’t You Be My Neighbor?

    As I reflect on the influence of fear in my life and my decision making, I realized how what I fear changed over the course of my life. As a child, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer, and I feared her death. I pleaded with God for her not to die. God’s reply: not yet; 25 years later her death occurred. Today, my imagination suggests that if I help someone, enter a crowd, make encouraging small talk, will any of those loving interactions lead to my own death? The light of God’s love shines on my own fear of death. The prayer that arises is the same Jesus prayed in Gethsemane: not my will but Thine. And may I be used of God to bind someone’s wounds each day. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on July 5, 2022 at 12:19 am in reply to: Sunday July 3: A Channel of God’s Grace #125700

    Sunday July 3: A Channel of God’s Grace

    Can I relax into God’s plan for me, without expectation or knowing what it might be? Resounding yes! When I was a young Navy wife, I heard the following phrase directed at me quite a lot: you are on a need-to-know basis, and you don’t need to know. It is a miracle of God’s grace no traces of the anger, jealousy, or resentment I used to experience show themselves. It has, according to God’s wonderful sense of humor, become my mantra. My prayer: Lord, I don’t need to know. Use me to spread Your love to our world. Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on June 26, 2022 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love #125243

    Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love

    Where is Jesus asking me to travel not yesterday but tomorrow? Jesus asks first for me to stop the violent inner dialogue directed at myself, and to daily embrace His grace. Freely I accept, freely I disperse that grace imperfectly around my life. I try to smile, sometimes I cannot. I try to lift up, sometimes I chip away at another. I am forgiven, and am sent back out, not to call fire down from heaven but to plead grace like rain fall on all creation. Lord, hear my prayer. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on June 19, 2022 at 1:00 pm in reply to: Sunday June 19: Bread is Life #125078

    Sunday June 19: Bread is Life

    Silence – the cornerstone of my breadmaking and bread sharing. I cannot feed God’s sheep unless I have heard how i am loved from the deep silence.

    Joy – from house work to service for others, whatever I do with joy feeds my soul.

    Peace – to be God’s instrument of peace feeds my soul. To bring a calm presence to tense situations, being the one who stands in the gap and sees all sides with love and compassion. Soul food.

    Posted by linda rhead on June 18, 2022 at 4:01 pm in reply to: Sunday June 12: Tikkun Olam #125054

    Sunday June 12: Tikkun Olam

    This week my role as a broken vessel of God’s radiating love took me to the kitchen, preparing meals for those juggling life’s hecticness yet still yearning for healthy meals they don’t need to be concerned about preparing. From the midst of my own health challenges of brain fog and low energy, I can dance with Spirit and cook at the same time. Just remaining open to where God needs me, doing what I can, is all God asks of this dancer. Spirit’s dance fills me with joy. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on June 5, 2022 at 8:11 pm in reply to: Sunday June 5: Let Love Radiate Through You #124719

    Sunday June 5: Let Love Radiate Through You

    The Spirit speaks to me being an instrument of God’s love. When I write, I write until Spirit allows my pen to rest. When I care for others, I pour all the love I can into the task. Intention for the week: to be open to my role in the great change happening right now in the world. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on May 29, 2022 at 8:17 pm in reply to: Sunday May 29: Heaven All The Way To Heaven #124543

    Sunday May 29: Heaven All The Way To Heaven
    What does the Ascension mean for me now, in my own life? With the pain, grief and shock fo this week in mind, Ascension is bearing my part of that pain and grief, and, somehow, sing. I am weak; I “sing in the strength that rises out of weakness.” I am called to somehow, through my tears, “sing the waning darkness into light.” Lord, have mercy. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on May 23, 2022 at 11:35 am in reply to: Sunday May 22: Receive the Holy Spirit #124409

    Sunday May 22: Receive the Holy Spirit

    Father Keating’s “transforming union” speaks deeply because it addresses “who we are [am] at the deepest level”. It also implies ongoing work of the Holy Spirit. Each day, as I consent to God’s Presence and action, the Spirit is allowed free access to transform another part of my being to be more tender, compassionate, able to better serve and love. Daily renewal, what a gift! <3 linda

Viewing 15 posts - 31 through 45 (of 108 total)