linda rhead

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  • Posted by linda rhead on May 15, 2022 at 9:27 pm in reply to: Sunday, May 15: How to Love #124253

    Sunday May 15: How to Love

    How am I called to practice loving someone difficult or different from myself? I include the third strand from Leviticus 19:18 to the cord: love myself. I can easier love God and neighbor before I love myself. It wasn’t until I began to truly see myself as beloved of God and love myself that I was able to begin to think of how best to love opponents.

    My first step is to bless them (Pierre Pradervand’s for example). For example, USPS has misdelivered three packages in the past two months to unidentified addresses other than mine. I’ve blessed the recipient in their integrity, financial security, may my parcel be a blessing to them, etc. Blessing eased my annoyance.

    Last night at dusk a young man delivered one of the parcels to my front porch and left. Gratitude and more blessings pour onto this unknown opponent. I’m blessing the postal service employees before I go to the distribution center to inquire after the other two parcels. It is a very small gesture with great healing power. Let us pour love’s energy into our hurting world. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on May 14, 2022 at 10:18 am in reply to: Sunday May 8: Heaven Opens Where We Are #124240

    This week I took as my active prayer affirmation the phrase “we can even be a grace place for others”. Conversations with family and friends became oases of rest and refreshment. As I sat in prayer, God filled me with grace to pour into my auto service advisor, the grocery store employees, etc. And I started to practice being a grace place to those who are not seen yet encounter daily: people working behind the scenes to maintain websites, online merchants, security for banking transactions. Brought my frustration levels with “computer glitches” down to near zero. Who knew? <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on May 2, 2022 at 9:00 pm in reply to: Sunday May 1: The Grace Place #123739

    Sunday May 1: The Grace Place

    What do I learn from my breakfast date with Christ? My day flows naturally from Christ’s suggested timing for my tasks. I can move from prayer to mopping floors, exercise to toilet scrubbing, prayer to creative writing to evening meal preparation. Pause. Breathe. Listen. Respond. Another day with full nets needing mending. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 25, 2022 at 9:10 pm in reply to: Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence #123485

    Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence

    What do I hear in the silence for my journey now? Breakdown can be break through if I can see new life struggling to emerge, within me and within our world. Father Richard’s “we want transformation without cost” aligns to Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s concept of “cheap grace”. That first breakdown to break through was terrifying and freeing at the same time. It allowed following transformations to proceed with more of a memorial service for my old life. Lord, keep me every transforming to Your glory and my joy. Amen. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 19, 2022 at 11:13 am in reply to: Sunday April 17: Two Movements of Resurrection #123207

    Sunday April 17: Two Movements of Resurrection

    Christ is risen! Christ is risen indeed! How can I bear the Christ risen in me to a world needing light? First, I nurture the flame of Love with daily centering prayer practice. Then, I trust whatever next practical thing I do is God’s will for me. Household chores, posting reflections here, celebrating Easter with family…all to God’s glory and my joy (to paraphrase Thomas Merton). <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 12, 2022 at 8:16 pm in reply to: Sunday April 10: Empty #123059

    Sunday April 10: Empty

    “We do not live in a simple world.” Loving one’s enemy is not simple. The late Dr. James E. Loder defined love as a “non-possessive delight in the particularity of the other.” I learn to delight in my own particularities be they pleasant or painful, during prayer. My role as a contemplative is to pray and release myself into the Silence until the particularities of all can be acknowledged and loved. This is hard in the face of brutalities and injustices, yet imperative for healing myself and the world. Not my will, but Thine, be done. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on April 4, 2022 at 6:41 pm in reply to: Sunday April 3 – Taking The Stone Away; A Life-Giving Rhythm #122844

    Sunday April 3: Taking The Stone Away; A Life-Giving Rhythm

    I pondered where I would locate a stone as I brought out my Anglican prayer beads. Inside the black cloth bag is a small piece of polished citrine, placed with the beads during a period of healing prayers. I place the citrine between my left palm and thigh as I center. What a wonderful daily reminder to examine what is being called forth in me from death to life. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on March 28, 2022 at 11:15 am in reply to: Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith #122721

    Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith

    Recommitting to twice daily Centering Prayer keeps me focused on what is important on my journey to love others. I have been near-sighted since a very young age, unable to see far, the big picture. As I aged the inability to read small print took my vision correction to a new level – bifocals. As I recommit today, my “visual” going forward is I need twice daily Centering Prayer as much (if not more) than I need my glasses. I want to allow Christ’s Spirit in me to perceive the same Spirit in others every day. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on March 20, 2022 at 3:00 pm in reply to: Sunday March 20: Living Water, Living Grace #122519

    Sunday March 20: Living Water, Living Grace

    The affirmation I carry this week is “trust the Mystery”. On one level the Samaritan woman had a distrust of Jesus: “how can you?” Only when the conversation deepens and Jesus makes her known to herself can she trust Jesus. Trust, then proclaim her trust to her village. This week, I trust the Mystery to provide opportunities to proclaim my trust as well. <3 linda

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 6 months ago by linda rhead.
    Posted by linda rhead on March 13, 2022 at 9:54 pm in reply to: Sunday, March 13: The Tipping Point #122387

    Sunday March 13: The Tipping Point

    The beatitude “blessed are the peacemakers” (Matthew 5:9) is the very first Bible verse I memorized. As a teen I had little comprehension what peacemaking entailed. Now, having a foundation of silence and contemplative prayer, I have a better understanding of Father Keating’s “prefect harmony of immense complexity”. To “co-create the cosmos together with God”, making our own corners of Eden a little cleaner and brighter, is a very real, practical and necessary ministry to aid global transformation…one prayer session at a time. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on March 7, 2022 at 12:08 pm in reply to: Sunday March 6: Say The Word #122276

    Sunday March 6: Say The Word

    I need regular knocking off my throne of my false self. God is pleased to gently (or not so) remove me and regain rightful ownership. I allow God’s Presence and action to work in me by faith, so God may “go to work and set things right”. I trust if my actions are rooted in God and grounded in love for others, when I lean toward my false self, God will correct my course and reset me on Love’s path. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 27, 2022 at 10:06 pm in reply to: Sunday, February 27: Plain Talking #122026

    Sunday February 27: Plain Talking

    What I need to grow in spiritual awareness and day-to day compassion is Father Keating’s famous “Presence and action within me.” Centering prayer practice feeds my soul. Daily interactions with others deplete it as I offer God’s love shipping clerk, grocery employees, etc. Continual filling and offering. I have recently added yoga as a practice and find my being well watered with this new rule of life. Happy am I to regularly prune that which no longer serves to add that which nourishes God in me and God in you. <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 20, 2022 at 9:11 pm in reply to: Sunday February 20: Refracting The Light #121819

    Sunday February 20: Refracting The Light

    How is the light of Christ refracted through the prism of my life? As a prism breaks light down into its component colors, then my own brokenness must serve as the prism through which Christ’s love shines. Shortcomings is another way to say broken: If I were whole, I would not be short. Yet, my viewing others with love, through my shortcomings, allows me to see Christ in them more clearly. It is as if God has allowed my pain to make me whole by passing it through Divine Love’s prism. <3 linda

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 7 months ago by linda rhead.
    Posted by linda rhead on February 14, 2022 at 4:38 pm in reply to: Sunday February 13: The Science of Love #121565

    Sunday February 13: The Science of Love

    How blessed we are to be co-creators of human evolution. Via our centering prayer practice and with God’s grace, we heal ourselves of familial patterns of behavior which no longer serve us. Our loving circle includes ourselves, our ancestors, and generations to come. This is the toughest job we will ever love! <3 linda

    Posted by linda rhead on February 12, 2022 at 11:03 pm in reply to: Sunday February 6 – Risk Deep Waters #121515

    Sunday February 6: Risk Deep Waters

    Breathe in My peace.

    Breathe out – No feeling is final.

    Breathe in new life.

    Breathe out – don’t be afraid.

    <3 linda

Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 108 total)