Adeline Behm

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  • Background Noise
  • Posted by Adeline Behm on January 30, 2022 at 2:40 am in reply to: Sunday January 23 – Becoming a Word of God #121196

    Tonight I rest in God as this week slowly ebbs to an end. My week was like one of those snow globes you shake, now resting in God – all the particles have settled, now  present to the unfolding of this week that blurs into Presence -contentment and gratitude and trust in the mercy of God.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 23, 2022 at 10:32 pm in reply to: Sunday January 23 – Becoming a Word of God #121045

    Last Friday I hosted a Zoom gathering of the Spiritual Directors affiliated with our retreat centre here in Saskatoon SK. This morning hearing the words of Jesus, “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing”,   a Christophany light bulb took me back to our sharing Friday and echoing down through the centuries are the words of Jesus: “Today this Scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing.”. Sometimes I forget the power of these words used by Jesus the Christ continue to unfold in our lives and lives of those yet to be lived. We gather  as the anointed ones. So, as I begin this week I bow to you my companions, the anointed ones with a grateful heart.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 22, 2022 at 8:45 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 16: Christophany #121023

    Simply “they have no wine” equivalents this week were plentiful. A new awareness of my tendencies to doubt and step in. In gratitude for this awareness, I renew my desire: May your will be done!

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 16, 2022 at 8:09 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 16: Christophany #120892

    “I am a Christophany”! With attention/intention I begin this week. Hearing the word of God read this morning at virtual Eucharist, I was like sucked into Mary’s Christophany as she simple says: “They have no wine.” No request, no expectation. Something clicked. I am no longer part of planning committees; often I am not consulted; someone else is the executive director. I find myself simply voicing with compassion the equivalent of:  “They have no wine”. I am open to this awareness  as this week unfolds. I am not forgotten, I have a voice. I am love abundantly! (A whole new waking up! is happening).

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 15, 2022 at 4:10 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil #120866

    Linda, I join you re-iterating my intentionally in becoming that which God spoke into our existence all those years ago. A gift of this week is this quote from Max Frisch: “Time does not change us. It just unfolds us.” God’s word is so powerful I can join in a lifetime of unfolding.

    May I add that in the 1990’s I was introduced to “morning pages” eventually I began Progoff journaling. Those of us whose pathway has been that of darkness need the guiding hand of the Spirit through such instruments as these. Years ago now Jesus’ words: I am the light of the world” (ff) became my discernment companion. To my” joy/delight”, these words are being experienced more often now as “I unfold) even as I am involved in some of the most challenging aspects of “walking with” as we in Canada open our hearts to our Indigenous people and takes seriously the care of our earth.

    Deep gratitude for all of you my “Word of the Week” companions.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 9, 2022 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 9: Draw Back The Veil #120695

    From a homily this morning:  “we all are offered many opportunities of Baptismal moments, when we are submerged in the waters of change, discovery moments, decision times or illness or death and ….. Intentionally this week I want to honor these moments that will be offered to me this week including those from my memory bank. “The Spirit blows where it chooses.” (John 3:8). Susan, I too have dad moments, anchors in my life, that have seen me through many many baptismal moments.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 8, 2022 at 4:17 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 2: Only a Beckoning Star to Follow #120663

    Help me find myself
    as I walk in others’ shoes.
    – Kate Compston, I get a call from Marie that my voice mail box is full. Checking and deleting , there is Jane’s message. Jane passed away a couple of  months ago following an aggressive cancer. Jane suffered from severe bouts of depression. Over the years I walked her through the deep darkness times. This message and the final time I saw her, Jane was living deep gratitude and was exuberant in that I know this. “Theology on Time” interviews from the Catholic College on our University campus and there is Mike, now Father Mike and a “very reverend”. More than a dozen years ago I walked with him through discernment. Then Eva came into aware this week, age 16 some 50 years ago. There was unfinished business on my part and so I let the Spirit walk me though this into the future. Then there is Dorothy, Tonny, and the list went on and on  this week. This week I was invited to join in a discernment regarding a formation program that initially I was very much a part of. Initially I was finding all the reasons to decline;  Sarah  is also invited. I have big unfinished business. I am filled with gratitude, even though it may mean humiliation. Does the Spirit invite us ” to cease walking in another’s shoes or what? I am open to the reveal. Is it a calling?

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 4, 2022 at 7:43 pm in reply to: Sunday, January 2: Only a Beckoning Star to Follow #120408

    “I cannot know who, where, when; I just know with fidelity to my practice, I can be that healing light. <3 linda”

    Thanks, Linda, my trust and firm conviction, too.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 3, 2022 at 3:34 am in reply to: Sunday, January 2: Only a Beckoning Star to Follow #120363

    This week I am intentionally open to be surprised by manifestations of incarnation, seek and find….., follow the star…..

    Posted by Adeline Behm on April 24, 2021 at 6:45 pm in reply to: Sunday April 18: Practicing Resurrection #113906

    Where am I called to Resurrection in the practical circumstances in my life during this our second Easter in pandemic times? Reaching out to extended family as a favorite cousin, age 70, ravaged by a fast moving aggressive cancer; a listening presence to someone in the deep hole of depression moving from despair to gradual movements into light; family sharings of Easter’s past…..touching in with other spiritual directors accompanying those bruise by covid 19; savoring the simple moments of joy/delight when actually getting to see your doctor face to face, behind a mask, of course touching into over looked signs of care.

    Though this wasn’t one of the proposed scriptures this week it just popped Friday lingering to this moment:

    Welcome one another, just as Christ has welcomed you, for the glory of God. Rom 15:3 No fanfare, just a simple touching into my spirit.

    I now join the live streaming of Donald’s funeral, a much loved cousin.


    Posted by Adeline Behm on March 27, 2021 at 10:02 pm in reply to: Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away #113371

    Lots of downloading these past 10 days or so beginning with a word “defiance” unleashing a  a flow of memories, feelings, from the very negative to  liberating new awarenesses.  The image of the Moon over the Waterfall  speaking volumes into my being; the water flowing is always down, down….plunging deeply into the abyss below: ” An Abyss opens up within me. I am falling, falling, Plunging into non-existence. (Thomas Keating). “….Jesus trajectory of pure love, may just be  to show us that self-emptying is not the means to something else; the act itself is the full expression of its meaning and instantly brings into being a new creation…” (Thomas Keating)

    Entering into Holy Week with deep feelings of gratitude I am ready to walk with Jesus in his descent into the abyss of new life.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by Adeline Behm.
    Posted by Adeline Behm on March 6, 2021 at 8:51 pm in reply to: Sunday February 28: The Ears of The Heart #113045

    This week with the “ears of my heart” I heard sorrowing, desperation, deep longing, you are loved, I am stuck, shame, and ………..

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 30, 2021 at 10:38 pm in reply to: Sunday January 24: Beyond Opposites #111594

    Sorry, I wanted to quote only two significant sentences from Susan, the second and third last – and I couldn’t undo  the rest of the quote..

    Might I add that for me the Welcome prayer is a blessing in surfacing “feelings of resistance and emotional triggers”. A significant breakthrough happened this week. I had to admit my powerlessness  over several days and then “I got it”!

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 30, 2021 at 10:19 pm in reply to: Sunday January 24: Beyond Opposites #111593

    The comments made here and during our Zoom sharing often open up new windows to the mystery we live in and to my own soul. I know my life was very much influenced by the Civil Rights Movement, its rootedness in God and it’s courage to speak the truth and act from it. Much of my work focused on faith based efforts aimed at economic justice. As I now spend more time in silence, I feel like a dancer who has reached the still point. All of the lessons learned in the dance of my life are still spinning and slowly unraveling. Word of the Week has been part of the process. I know that my inner truth has been formed by a certain time in history and how I chose to respond to it. Yet, there are bigger and deeper truths that arise. My task is to be quiet and let God be the guide. Yes. The world in its present form is passing away. My safe harbors and clear paths have disappeared. But I trust in a new vision, the one being created moment by moment. With gratitude for all of you.

    Posted by Adeline Behm on January 24, 2021 at 7:52 pm in reply to: Sunday January 24: Beyond Opposites #111417

    What newspaper is this?

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