Kathleen M. Kelly

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  • Using the Sacred Glance in Centering Prayer
  • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 28, 2022 at 12:36 pm in reply to: Sunday August 28: Table Matters #127539

    another veil has fallen from before my eyes.

    can I welcome the destitute rejected person within to my table? am I willing to accompany her when she is in distress, humiliated? am I able to drop my agenda to fix her, to “solve”her problem, talk some sense into her? this is where we run headlong into the welcoming prayer….and the presence and action of God  within. only after all this are we in a position to understand and respond to another person’s pain and sense of rejection.



    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 28, 2022 at 11:11 am in reply to: Sunday August 28: Table Matters #127538

    Already lost my text!


    humility…welcome.  Letting go of my story about myself, my supposed kindness to everyone. Who cares. I am just going to be here in this moment, with is on my plate, feeling into what it is like to be the other.

    I am steeped in scripture. I trust that God, as I understand and relate to, will show me in this moment what to do, and the next, the next and the next.

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 23, 2022 at 6:35 pm in reply to: Sunday August 21 – Harvest in The Healing Place #127486

    Knowing what is most important and focusing on it has been nearly impossible for me. That is why the puzzling image and the clouds in the picture resonated with me. Still I see through a glass darkly.

    The only thing I can do is turn to God in the passing moment and say “What now?” “What do you want?” There is still the inner weather to be in and with, while applying myself to the next best thing. Then, a brand new moment. The day turns out to be a world unto itself.

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 23, 2022 at 2:32 pm in reply to: Sunday August 21 – Harvest in The Healing Place #127484

    Following on this morning: maybe focusing on the narrow gate, squinting to see the target, could that be taking place in the heart? Could it happen only now?

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on July 31, 2022 at 1:15 pm in reply to: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection #126998

    this morning I am anxious about not attending mass . I feel caught between the institutional church and my journey with my God. I still want to know what is “right” be right, check all the boxes. In the end it is just God and I. In this moment, that is where my conscience leads me: to do the next best thing. Not knowing, no guarantees, just choosing to love the best I can.

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on June 12, 2022 at 10:17 pm in reply to: Sunday June 12: Tikkun Olam #124904

    tech challenged . sorry for errors.?

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on June 12, 2022 at 12:32 pm in reply to: Sunday June 12: Tikkun Olam #124898

    here is what i wrote in my dediccation of my new sketchbook:

    Dedicated to the core of goodness in each person  as they enter the world. May each find goodness within.

    may each be forgiven.

    Miroslav Volf , a theologian from Croatia, says that there is a primorial goodness in the universe.

    During the night, i was cranky this morning about the temperature in the room. this morning i told him that i am like a rabid dog in a cage. the cage is my rule of life. i know that i have the capacity to do the small sniveling things that people do and that disgust me. the bigger awful studff too. of course, the cage is my safe olace where love and mystery can flourish. and hopefully go out to others. i think a lot about not adding to the hurt in the world.



    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on June 12, 2022 at 12:16 pm in reply to: Sunday June 5: Let Love Radiate Through You #124897

    Adiline, i will be praying for you if that is ok . last february, there were 2 weeks when it seemed like every waking hour i was confronted with anxious and despairing thoughts. there was no emergency, just a change of location which predictably us accompanyied by depression. during that time , it came to me that i was to “set the table for anxiety and depression. i set about making a collage with a table , chairs and 2 place settings.

    take care. go gently. kathy

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 31, 2022 at 2:59 pm in reply to: Sunday May 29: Heaven All The Way To Heaven #124621

    miracles during prayer group

    while pamela was telling her story about her encounter with the little boy,  a big yellow butterfly flew by the window in front of me.

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 24, 2022 at 12:13 pm in reply to: Sunday May 22: Receive the Holy Spirit #124454

    good morning! i have been studying frames, the way we each have our own idea of what is real and what is true. my intention was to understand how people who i dont agree with see the world. maybe i could appreciate their values and dicern what we share.

    now i notice i am looking at all of us from above all the frames. i suppose that is nonduality?

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 24, 2022 at 11:48 am in reply to: Sunday May 22: Receive the Holy Spirit #124453

    fr carl, what are the four statements youmake as an older person? one was : being available and letting go. i forgot to write them down . thank you!

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 16, 2022 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Sunday, May 15: How to Love #124263

    i edited my post but it did not show up. maybe i hit done but didnt scroll down

    to post.

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 16, 2022 at 12:54 pm in reply to: Sunday, May 15: How to Love #124261

    usually, the tuesday group cp and lectio anchors me for the week. but this one , read just this morning, dovetails with my morning reflectios. my husband and i went to visit our son and family. i felt unwell the whole time, even into this morning and i am my symptoms are connected to a lot of anger over the behavior of family members. it is only recently that i can access the bodily feel of anger and name it (long time coming, i turn 77 tomorrow). so i sit here this morning, tempted to complain to other familly members to byoass my anger, try to lesson the reaction in my body.

    but, for goodness sake, why? better to feel what is mine  to feel.

    over the years since i committed to 2ce a day centering prayer, i have also educated myself about compassionate listening, am training to accompany others in biospiritual focusing (a source of the welcoming prayer practice), studied the discernment process, and have 45 years, give or take, of therapy and spiritual direction.

    yet, it is still so hard to choose rightly. (sigh)

    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on May 8, 2022 at 2:23 pm in reply to: Sunday May 8: Heaven Opens Where We Are #124085

    i find that staying in the moment, talking about “this”, “now” is the most lifegiving type of interaction.

    we all have storylines and beliefs  about what is real and they often seem to divide along ideological lines. better to commune outside of our baked-in, rigid “frames “. even in church. especially.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 2 months ago by Kathleen M. Kelly. Reason: spelling
    Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on March 28, 2022 at 7:46 pm in reply to: Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith #122729

    ii am interested as well

    in the spiritus readings. i find the discussion of mystical phenomena fits nicely with my decision to lump feelings, moods, and even thoughts under the umbrella of phenomena.

    “what an interesting thing to say, Kathleen. (“he’s a jerk”) the thought, the statement…phenomena to watch, to discern . noticing the feeling underlying the outburst. praying through it.

    looking away…no. just more evil, more unkindness, more hard-heartedness. no.

Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 56 total)