Voices 55: Lois Snowden, PA, Centering Prayer and the Loving Relationship with God

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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Every day, twice a day, I have that chance to just, as we say, be in relationship with God and to spend the time and to be reminded how much God loves me. But, it also gives me a chance to have a way to love God back, to just spend that time, not to have to know or understand things, but just be with God. And I don’t have to worry about things, and I don’t have to know the answers, or control, or have it all worked out; that I’m in the loving arms of God, and it can’t be any better than that!


La Oración Centrante y la Relación Amorosa con Dios

Cada día, dos veces al día, tengo la oportunidad  de, como decimos,  simplemente relacionarme con Dios y pasar tiempo con El y dejar que me recuerde cuánto me ama. Pero también me da la oportunidad de retribuir ese amor, de dejar que ese tiempo transcurra, sin tener que saber o entender nada, solamente estar con Dios. Y no me tengo que preocupar de nada, y no tengo que conocer las respuestas ni controlar ni haberlo comprendido todo: estoy en los brazos amorosos de Dios, y no puede haber nada mejor que eso!