Voices 95: Paul Bozymowski, MI, Centering Prayer and Revelations about God, Revelations about Self

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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I started doing Centering Prayer on my own a little bit each day. I started getting into Scripture. I started to learn about God – who he really is. He’s not this ogre; he’s not this policeman. I started devouring Fr. Keating’s books, tapes – the Spiritual Journey tapes. And it just all of a sudden awakened me that as I continued to do Centering Prayer on a daily basis I found out that he really loves me. We have to be silent and we have to be still. And if we’re still and silent, he’s going to talk to us. And when he talks to us, he’s going to open-up a whole new world for us. He’ll change the world. There’s no doubt in my mind about that.  


Comencé a practicar la Oración Centrante estando solo y un poquito cada día. Empecé a familiarizarme con las Escrituras. Empecé a aprender acerca de Dios – quién es en realidad. No es un ogro, no es un policía. Empecé a devorar los libros de l Padre Keating, los tapes – los tapes del Spiritual Journey (El Viaje Espiritual). Y de pronto, al continuar haciendo la Oración Centrante a diario,  desperté a la idea de que realmente me ama. Tenemos que estar en silencio y tenemos que estar quietos. Y si estamos quietos y en silencio nos hablará. Y cuando nos hable abrirá un mundo totalmente nuevo ante nosotros. Cambiará el mundo. Y no hay duda en mi mente al respecto.