Voices 82: Bob Burge, OH, The Difference that Centering Prayer Makes

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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We’re getting more and more secular all the time where God is pushed out of the way and something that has deeply touched me in our group is I really love just coming to our meetings and our days of prayer and the people here are different. There’s a peacefulness. There’s no gossip – or, at least, I haven’t heard any.  And people have a serenity that is really, really missing in the world. And that whole thing of success in the world, and a drivenness – I used to be like that. And so, just one witness is worth so much more than teaching.


La diferencia que marca la Oración Centrante

Nos volvemos más y más seculares y quitamos a Dios del medio, y algo que me tocó
profundamente de nuestro grupo es que realmente me encanta el simple hecho de ir a nuestras reuniones en nuestros días de oración, y la gente aquí es diferente. Hay paz. No hay habladurías – o por lo menos yo no las he escuchado. Y las personas tiene una serenidad que realmente falta en el mundo, con todo lo que significa el éxito y el esforzarse por alcanzarlo – yo era así. Por eso, un solo testimonio de por sí vale mucho más que la misma enseñanza.