Surrendered to God

Journey to Oneness are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of his last DVD series That We May Be One in July 2016. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posed every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.

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You’re missing the boat if you seek the reward, or even if you seek enlightenment, even though it’s God’s will for you. If you seek it too deliberately, it’s probably a ego trip and so that’s why all the great mystics say you mustn’t be attached to spiritual consolation or ecstasy because the Divine Being is not an object that you love, but a subjective presence that you surrender to. Even surrender is God’s gift. So, it’s better to say surrendered. That’s what humility is—recognizing who we actually are, powerless, and not to be distressed by it—that’s the way it is—and have this confidence in God that is unconquerable.

Entregado a Dios

Estas dejando pasar el tren si buscas una recompensa, o aún si buscas la iluminación, aunque esta sea la voluntad de Dios para ti. Si la buscas muy deliberadamente es probable que sea un tema egoico, y es por eso que todos los grandes místicos dicen que no hay que apegarse a los consuelos espirituales o al éxtasis, porque el Ser Divino no es un objeto que amamos, sino una presencia subjetiva a la que nos entregamos. Aun la entrega es un don de Dios. Por eso, es mejor decir entregado. En eso consiste la humildad – reconocer quiénes somos realmente, impotentes, y no sentirnos angustiados por ello – así son las cosas – y tener esa confianza en Dios que es invencible.