Invited, Surrendered, Turned Over

Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.

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Our humanity is being invited to surrender, turn itself over completely to God out of love and in the full consciousness that this is a service that’s being offered to God for the whole human race, not just ourselves, or our particular friends, or companions, or enemies. 

The heart and the spiritual journey have to become big enough to take in everybody whoever lived – past, present, and to come – because they are loved by God to the point of trying to save them by completely identifying with the human condition and sin and doing that involves identification with the consequences of sin and one of those is suffering endured out of love for the healing of the unhealthy members of the Christian family and the Mystical Body of Christ.

Invitados, rendidos, entregados

Nuestra humanidad es invitada a rendirse, a entregarse a sí misma completamente a Dios por amor y con la plena conciencia de que es un servicio que está siendo ofrecido a Dios por toda la raza humana, no solo por nosotros, o nuestros amigos en particular, o nuestros compañeros, o nuestros enemigos. 

El corazón y el camino espiritual tiene que volverse lo suficientemente amplios para recibir a todos los que han vivido - en el pasado, presente y porvenir – porque son amados por Dios al punto de tratar de salvarlos de identificarse totalmente con la condición humana y el pecado. Hacerlo implica identificarse con las consecuencias del pecado, y una de ellas es el sufrimiento que se soporta por amor, para la sanación de los miembros enfermos de la familia cristiana y del Cuerpo Místico de Cristo