Christ: Brought the Divine Nature into Humanity for All Time

Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.

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Christ is fully God and fully human at the same time. As God, he's been the Word of God that created humanity from the beginning; hence, he's been at work in the world as the Word of God from the first man who became fully human. As human then, he has brought the divine nature into the human species in such a way as to influence it backwards and forwards for all time.

In God time is not, space is not, that important – it’s his means of creating and allowing evolution to unfold. He's given so much time for things to unfold materially that it is obviously going to take some time for humans, both mentally and spiritually, to unfold and to understand what their consciousness says about God. So God, if he was interested in the saving all the human race, according to Scripture, obviously, all the people who came before Christ couldn't have known him as Jesus, but they could have had a relationship with him directly through the Word of God as Christ.


Cristo trajo la naturaleza divina a la humanidad para siempre.

Cristo es totalmente Dios y a la vez totalmente humano, Como Dios, él ha sido la palabra de Dios que creo la humanidad desde su origen; por lo tanto, ha obrado en el mundo como Palabra de Dios, desde el primer hombre que se volvió completamente humano. Como ser humano, entonces, ha aportado la naturaleza divina a la especie humana de tal manera que ejerce su influencia hacia adelante y hacia atrás para siempre.

En Dios el tiempo o el espacio no son tan importantes – son un medio para permitir que la evolución siga su curso.  Le ha dado tanto tiempo a las cosas para que evolucionen en el plano material, que es obvio que a los seres humanos les va a llevar algún tiempo evolucionar, tanto mental como espiritualmente, y comprender lo que su conciencia les dice acerca de Dios. Como Dios se interesa por salvar a toda la raza humana, según las Escrituras, obviamente  todas las personas que nacieron antes de Cristo no pueden haberlo conocido como Jesús, pero pueden haber tenido una relación con él directamente por medio de la Palabra de Dios como Cristo.