An Affirmation of Goodness

Love Matters are wisdom words from Fr. Thomas Keating spoken during the filming of the new series God is Love: The Heart of All Creation. Some are included in the series; others are from footage published here for the first time. A new word will be posted every Monday throughout the year. May they serve to inspire hope and lift your heart.

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It's worth affirming the good that God has enabled us to and of a movement of the whole 
human family into transformation, which is also collaboration with God's evolutionary, spiritual 
evolutionary plan. From God's perspective, I have great confidence in the future that God's love 
will triumph over every obstacle, but it seems like he wants to try out every obstacle or let it 
happen, so that nobody in the end will ever that it came from anyplace else. He's invited us to 
become his most intimate companions and sharers of the divine nature, and does everything 
possible to get us there.

Una afirmación de bondad

Es importante afirmar el bien al que Dios nos permite acceder, un movimiento de toda la familia
humana hacia la transformación, que es también una colaboración con el plan espiritual 
evolutivo de Dios. Desde la perspectiva de Dios, tengo gran confianza en el futuro, en 
que el amor de Dios triunfará sobre cualquier obstáculo, pero parece como si antes quisiera
probar cada obstáculo, o dejar que suceda, de tal modo que nadie finalmente sienta que provino
de otro lugar. Nos invita a volvernos su compañero más íntimo, y a compartir la naturaleza
divina, y hace todo lo posible porque la alcancemos.