The Word of God, in Silence and Sound: Centering Prayer in the Context of the Divine Office

Contemplative Immersion Retreat with Fr. Justin Lanier This contemplative immersion retreat will flow through periods of Centering Prayer, walking meditation, teaching, and the simple chant of the Divine Office. The […]

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Practical Steps for Self-Knowledge

  Q: Our Centering Prayer group has been studying The Cloud of Unknowing translated by Carmen Acevedo Butcher. In chapter 14, pg 42, we are told to “Get to know […]

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The Difference Between Centering Prayer and Contemplation — And Why It Matters

  Q: I have a question about Centering Prayer, that has come to me after rereading David Frenette’s book about Centering Prayer. He talks as though Centering Prayer may, and sometimes […]

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