Sunday October 30: Hiding

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday October 30: Hiding

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  • Sunday October 30: Hiding
    • Posted by pbegeman on October 27, 2022 at 8:32 pm #129040

      To Practice

      • Re-read these passages in the manner of Lectio Divina, perhaps aloud to engage them in a more embodied, sensory way. What do you hear and feel for your journey now?
      • As we emerge from our times in silence, we begin to see like Zaccheus – and we can acknowledge that we have often harmed our fellow creatures and the earth. During the week, you are invited to pray these prayers. What response is evoked in your own heart?

      “God of our vibrant world, you have given us the responsibility to care for each other. Help us make a place where everyone is welcome and we acknowledge your grace at work in the ways of one another.

      “O God of the whole of creation, you have created land and trees, animals and all living creatures.  Please help us to care for the oceans, the land and the forest, and to recognize in them your blessing for us.”
      – excerpted from Future Church’s October 2, 2022 online liturgy

      You may read the full email reflection here:

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on October 30, 2022 at 10:53 pm #129091

      Since 1977 the Zaccheus story has profoundly affected my life. Since then I have plumbed the depths of experiences of various word, “too short’, “hiding in the tree”; “lost”;  As this week begins,  I am in pause mode at the door of my dwelling  Jesus  threshold, “sad”, “powerless”……

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by Adeline Behm.
    • Posted by Adeline Behm on November 4, 2022 at 10:41 pm #129167

      Six chronos days of praying this week and here I remain at the door of my house with Jesus on the threshold. What has been happening is best expressed in the image- the tree, gnarled branches,  spread out, somewhat unbalanced by the cyclonic forces  from the left. The action though is in the trunk, splashes of orange and brown; the force, the energy is pushing up from beneath; grounding : ” someone else’s suffering is really our suffering at the deepest level”; the “poor me” of suffering is being swallowed by “togetherness of  our all” in one gigantic lamentation, cries from the depth of the earth and the depths of human hearts.

    • Posted by linda rhead on November 14, 2022 at 9:50 pm #129294

      Sunday October 30: Hiding

      “The prayer of silence…is a moral imperative.” Vincent Pizzuto’s words remind me my moral imperative of great urgency is to pray, then do the next practical thing: vote. View my ballot from God’s eyes and vote my soul’s deepest prayer. Then, trust God’s will is being done – whether I like it or not. <3 linda

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