Sunday, June 28 “Following Christ is not a magic carpet to bliss.” – Thomas Keating

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday, June 28 “Following Christ is not a magic carpet to bliss.” – Thomas Keating

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  • Sunday, June 28 “Following Christ is not a magic carpet to bliss.” – Thomas Keating
    • Posted by pbegeman on June 26, 2020 at 11:50 pm #106275

      [excerpt from the email] At times, following Jesus entails making difficult choices. Choosing to live by the values of the kingdom of God can mean not choosing the path laid out for us by parents, loved ones, society. When we recognize our primary relationship is with the Divine Indwelling, we very well may find ourselves bearing a cross, not living the life we expected or the life others want us to live. …

    • Posted by linda rhead on July 27, 2020 at 7:18 pm #107032

      Sunday, June 28: “Following Christ is not a magic carpet to bliss.” – Thomas Keating

      I have experienced to openness to something beyond. This openness sustained me during years of difficult work situations. This openness nurtured me during moves from SC, to FL, to NM, back to SC and on now to TN. I know it is God’s grace alone by which I write this reflection. Will continued response to this call mean taking up a cross? It could, but currently it has not been revealed. God’s time will determine how long and when.  linda <3

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