Sunday January 3: To Journey By Another Way

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday January 3: To Journey By Another Way

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  • Sunday January 3: To Journey By Another Way
    • Posted by pbegeman on January 2, 2021 at 11:46 pm #110942

      [link to full email]:

      [excerpt from email]: “The Herod within each of us understands the danger to our constructed identities posed by the reign of this new king. How many of us are willing to abdicate the thrones of our power and worldly identity, achievement and control to the Prince of Peace?” -Vincent Pizzuto, Contemplating Christ, The Gospel and The Interior Life

      Practice: Have you felt any stirrings within yourself that call you to journey “by another way?” How would you describe the way you now feel called to go – into this new year, this new beginning?

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on January 5, 2021 at 6:59 pm #111014

      Today we hear of self interest run amok, of a king so protective of his power that he kills babies. In contrast, we hear of the divine , embodied in a refugee child and recognized by lowly shepherds. We are given a choice. We can act out of self interest, jeopardizing all that is precious to us. Or we can trust the light, follow it through the chaos and help create a global community of compassion.

    • Posted by pbegeman on January 5, 2021 at 7:28 pm #111015

      Today we hear of self interest run amok, of a king so protective of his power that he kills babies. In contrast, we hear of the divine , embodied in a refugee child and recognized by lowly shepherds. We are given a choice. We can act out of self interest, jeopardizing all that is precious to us. Or we can trust the light, follow it through the chaos and help create a global community of compassion.

      Well said, Susan.  I love the way you are able to so concisely speak wisdom nuggets.

    • Posted by carolyndgoddard_gmail_com on January 8, 2021 at 6:37 pm #111087

      Thank you Susan – may a global community of compassion continue to evolve and manifest.

    • Posted by linda rhead on January 8, 2021 at 9:02 pm #111099

      Sunday January 3: To Journey By Another Way

      I marvel at how the Holy Spirit directs these meditations to time so precisely to current events. Thanks be to God for this week’s lesson.

      I have been living in liminal space for a year. First, uprooted by a physical move to a new city. Second, sheltered in place by a microscopic virus. Seeking God’s face. My journey to another way crystallized this week as I completed life goals for 2021. Trusting they are Spirit led, I go forth daily in prayer and to do the next practical thing.

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