Reply To: Sunday January 15: The Mystery Beyond All Things

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday January 15: The Mystery Beyond All Things Reply To: Sunday January 15: The Mystery Beyond All Things

Posted by Susan Kenney on January 15, 2023 at 7:58 pm #131509

it was 1951. A 17 year old girl, barely out of high school, joined a Carmelite monastery. In those days, women did not leave their convent or enclosure. They were not able to pursue higher education. Their days were filled with silence. In 1969, against all odds and amidst opposition from most male clergy, she helped form the Association of Contemplative Sisters.  This was the beginning of cloistered nuns reaching across boundaries of tradition and geography for mutual support and shared wisdom. A few years ago, this same woman(Constance Fitzgerald, OSC) wrote extensively about Lady Wisdom. The depth of her courage and insight arose from years of silence where she became steeped in the Mystery. I am reminded of St Clare of Assisi who once said, “My theology of God is my experience of God”. These two women were not talking about “Centering Prayer “, but they were certainly practicing it and living out of it. We are in good company.  (Revised from previous post).