Reply To: Sunday September 4: A Prayer for Wisdom

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday September 4: A Prayer for Wisdom Reply To: Sunday September 4: A Prayer for Wisdom

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on September 4, 2022 at 12:30 pm #127633

Oh, Sue. I am so sorry for all of you out there!

going into the body is where truth lies for me. I found a sentence in an old journal: cognitive activity takes place in time, not space. I wonder If that is what Thomas Aquanais was alluding to when he rejected all the results of his thinking and formulations.  To drop down into one’s body, all that we “know” falls into place and we know what is real in this moment. we know what is ours to do In this moment, and no other. Being consciously in the body is to know, in this moment, that I will die, and am not promised one other moment. I see everything from a great distance and I can be happy.

Have you experienced this to as I have recently?