Reply To: Sunday March 6: Say The Word

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday March 6: Say The Word Reply To: Sunday March 6: Say The Word

Posted by kissnerboo on March 13, 2022 at 3:31 pm #122384

Hello, I’m still new to centering prayer. Sometimes, out of the blue when “successfully” being quiet or “mind empty” I suddenly remember memories from childhood that were painful. Now I am able to identify what I was really feeling at that time.

If I may ask a question for help, I’m not sure what to do when thoughts like these surprisingly pop up. To “throw” the memory/image away by going back to the Sacred word or to “sit” with what is presented to me at the moment?

Theses thoughts, memories, or images also include positive ones like me laughing. It’s bothering me a bit because these thoughts are new thoughts for me and I don’t know what to do with them.

Thank you.