Reply To: Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew Reply To: Sunday, January 30: They Thought They Knew

Posted by Adeline Behm on February 5, 2022 at 4:36 pm #121364

Ah the wisdom of Al-Anon. “Take what you like and leave the rest”. Praying my way through this week  with “mythic membership consciousness” I was surprised  at the decisive boldness in my sharing/action in my little Synod reflection group. A new awareness, part of my morning gratitude, at all stages of the unfolding of my life (my journey through the ‘human condition’) God was there just as much as the “decisive boldness” experience this week whispering: “Take what you like(though I now say ‘need’) and leave the rest(in God’s hands)”. Now when I want to ‘feel bad’ (helpless, etc) with respect to earlier events in my life, humility is called for. I am grateful for my Al-Anon friends and consultants for their wisdom. Some twenty-five years ago people began showing up in my life for their 5th-step. I needed a lot of coaching first to understand AA and the wisdom of the inventory. My life unfolds in stages; each stage is necessary; God-anonymous ( a phrase of one of my Al-Anon friends) is shaping me. I am so grateful for the Word of the Week and for all of you. When people ask for prayers I do hold up each person the God who is becoming less and less anonymous in our lives.