Reply To: Sunday, September 6 – Amen, I Say to You

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday, September 6 – Amen, I Say to You Reply To: Sunday, September 6 – Amen, I Say to You

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on September 6, 2020 at 12:20 pm #108389

i wonder if the great ideological divide in our country and our church might be a collective way of displacement of angst….anxiety over  our lack of control  over our lives, and how our security is threatened . it certainly mitigates against the attachment to affection and esteem  we so want, unless we are trying to find it in our tribe.

this morning i am led  to just be with the discomfiting state, rather than seek to make theories about it and lay blame.

whew! God is good!