Guard of the Heart via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

“One practice to bring the effects of contemplative prayer into daily life is traditionally known as “Guard of the Heart.” This consists of letting go of every emotional disturbance as it arises and before we start thinking about it. This method is more sophisticated than dismantling the emotional programs for happiness because it deals with


The Humanity of Thomas Merton

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Though Thomas Merton lived as a contemplative monk studying, writing, and praying, he remained vulnerable in his humanity, making him most accessible to us. Seen through the lens of grace, Merton’s teaching can help us learn to reach for God through our imperfections. During our time together, we will focus on developing a relationship with

The Cloud of Unknowing 5-day Retreat

Bethany Retreat Center 1031 Germania Rd, Frenchville, PA, United States

Join us for a deep contemplative journey into The Cloud of Unknowing. This 14th-century work is the basis for the method and practice of Centering Prayer. During this 5-day retreat, with the writings of The Cloud of Unknowing as our guide, Doug Laplante will lead an exploration into five key elements of the spiritual journey:


Human Condition – Via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

This six-week course will begin introducing you to Fr. Keating’s core material of the Spiritual Journey Series and the process of healing our human condition. In these videotaped lectures, he offers an evolutionary model for human development, describes the pre-rational energy centers, and introduces us to the concept of the false self with its afflictive


Divine Therapy Workshop – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Divine Therapy is a six-week course that takes a more advanced look at the process of spiritual transformation. Fr. Keating integrates into his teachings St. John of the Cross’s Dark Night of the Soul, also called the Night of Sense, which describes a feeling of God’s absence in our lives or the “Biblical desert.” From


Deepening Spiritual Practice through Three-Centered Awareness – Online

Internet - Online , United States

Presented by Phileena Heuertz of the Gravity Center Sponsored by Contemplative Outreach Chicago Three-centered awareness is crucial for experiencing Divine Presence; mind, heart, and body coming online and cooperating together. But too often, we experience shut-down in one or more of these centers. This limits our capacity for opening to Presence and receiving the integration


C.G. Jung Through a Christian Contemplative Lens

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

C.G. Jung is important to contemporary Christian spirituality. Building on the work of Morton Kelsey, John A. Sanford, and Robert A. Johnson, we will explore how Jungian topics can help deepen our spiritual life. The Jungian world of archetypes integrates in Christian mysticism, prayer, and practice, and understanding these helps to nurture our souls and

Lectio Divina Introductory Workshop for Advent

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

This workshop introduces the method of Lectio Divina, to pray sacred scripture. Through reading, reflecting, responding and resting in the Word of God, one’s relationship with God is nourished and deepened. Scripture will be appropriate for the Advent season. Both individual and group experiences will be provided. Please see the link below for more information

Model of the Human Condition via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Course II, Spiritual Journey Series online Zoom class $25 for Six Consecutive Weekly Sessions (January 11, 2022 through February 15, 2022) We as human beings have an inborn desire to seek happiness. Where does this come from? What keeps us from true happiness? And what is happiness? Thomas Keating relates spiritual development through the lens


Releasing an Enslaved Spirit – A Workshop on Communal Contemplative Spirituality

Internet - Online , United States

Presented by Very Rev. Michael Battle, Ph.D. Co-sponsored by Contemplative Outreach Chicago and Contemplative Outreach Atlanta 9 AM to Noon Central Time Zone 10 AM to 1 PM Eastern Time Zone Michael Battle points out something we all may have noticed: that events and organizations working to encourage Christian spirituality and contemplative life seem to


The Holy Trinity as Spiritual Practice

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

The doctrine of the Holy Trinity, a core tenet of Christianity, has often been treated as nothing more than a complex mental construct remote from ordinary experience. Dr. Jonas explores with us how Trinity – a “dance-around of love” – becomes a core archetype for navigating unity and diversity in our daily life, in our

The Astounding Bernadette Roberts: Insights and Experiences of a Modern Christian Mystic

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Fr. Thomas Keating considered Bernadette's book, The Experience of No-Self, to be "one of the best ... since St. John of the Cross. An amazing book, it clarifies the higher regions of the spiritual path." Combining prodigious intelligence and psychological acumen with her own astonishing mystical journey, she boldly plunges into territory usually left unexplored.