Contemplation and Loving the Source of Love – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Join this free-gift offering and explore Centering Prayer and contemplation as a practice of opening to the loving awareness of God as the Source of Love. What if God is not so much an “object” to love, but rather the Love with which we love all objects. God is the Love with which we love


Introduction to Centering Prayer Workshop via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

A weekly, evening meeting program to provide the basics for people seeking a path to contemplative prayer. Centering Prayer is a receptive method of silent prayer to receive the gift of contemplative prayer, in which we experience God's presence within us, closer than breathing, closer than consciousness itself. This method of prayer is both a

free will offering to Contemplative Outreach Northwest

Introduction to the Centering Prayer Silent Retreat

Benedictine Sisters Retreat Center 916 Convent Road, AL, United States

Centering Prayer is a form of Christian prayer rooted in the ancient Christian contemplative tradition.  Its purpose is to foster a deeper intimacy with  Christ through the silence and stillness of contemplative prayer.  This workshop/retreat is designed for those new to Centering Prayer.  Private rooms and the ability to maintain silence are required.  Retreat Directors:

Introduction to Centering Prayer via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Discover the meaning of Psalm 46: "Be Still and know that I am God." In this workshop we will explore the indwelling presence of God within each of us through the practice of a method of Christian meditation - Centering Prayer. Experienced practitioners, commissioned through Contemplative Outreach Ltd., will lead a discussion about the benefits


Thomas Keatings’ “Guidelines for Christian Life, Growth, and Transformation” Workshop via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Offered online via Zoom, 1-4pm Central Time. The title of this workshop, “Guidelines for Christian Life, Growth, and Transformation” is also the title of the 12th and final chapter of Thomas Keatings’ classic primer of Centering Prayer,  Open Mind, Open Heart.  In these guidelines, Thomas offers a conceptual spiritual and theological framework for this simple


Recovery Welcoming Prayer Workshop: Welcoming Prayer and Emotional Sobriety

Internet - Online , United States

This workshop introduces participants to the Welcoming Prayer practice, a method of consenting to the Higher Power's presence in our physical and emotional reactions to events and situations of daily life. Welcoming Prayer is a companion practice to Centering Prayer. Those in recovery have found both these practices to be great tools to deepen their


Quaker Mystics and Methods

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Quaker practice is grounded in the understanding that each person has direct and immediate access and connection to the Divine. Together we will explore Quaker history and mystics, allowing us a peak into the past in order to fully live in the present. Through experiential activities individually, in pairs, and small groups, we will explore

Centering Prayer: Weekend Immersion via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Deepening the Contemplative Dimension of Life Contemplative Outreach Chicago is sponsoring this online 2021 Winter Weekend Retreat, with Alan Krema as retreat guide. This retreat will immerse us into three days of Centering Prayer with attentiveness to our activities between the meditation sessions. We will explore awareness of our being and openness to the presence


Transfiguration Centering Prayer Retreat via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Saturday, February 13th, 6:30AM-5:00PM Central Time, $90 Offered online via Zoom. Centering Prayer is a form of Christian silent mediation where one lets go of thoughts during periods of prayer typically lasting 20 minutes. It is rooted in the self-emptying love that forms the heart of Jesus’ teaching and life. The effect on those who


The Welcoming Prayer (Part I & Part II) via Zoom

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Sponsored by Contemplative Outreach of Southeast Wisconsin Part I: February 13, 9:30-11:30 am US Central Time Part II: February 20, 9:30-11:30 am US Central Time To welcome and to let go is one of the most radically loving, faith-filled gestures we can make in each moment of each day. It is an open-hearted embrace of


The Cosmic Web of Love: A Centering Prayer Weekend Retreat via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

"In any given moment we have access to a connected, powerful wisdom spanning the entire cosmos; and we can learn to participate in a more complete, even joyous exchange with it." —Joy Andrews Hayter We are in desperate need of wisdom at this time. And at this very moment, we are blessed with two powerful
