Rabbi Rami Shapiro – 8 Points of Agreement and First, Stop Playing God – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Rabbi Rami Shapiro enjoyed a close relationship with Fr. Thomas Keating and was invited to participate, starting in 1984, in the Snowmass Interreligious Dialogue that was published in The Common Heart. What a blessing for all of us that Rami will share the “8 Points of Agreement” that emerged from those amazing conversations! In Addition


John of the Cross & The Song of Songs: Mysticism, Eroticism, and Centering Prayer

Internet - Online , United States

In these sessions, Netanel Miles-Yépez (who shares the same surname as his subject, Juan de Yépes) will discuss how the Spanish saint, better known as John of the Cross, gives instruction in contemplative prayer in terms that seem strikingly similar to Centering Prayer, and uses the erotic imagery of the Song of Songs to describe


Icons as Portals for Unlocking the Contemplative Heart via Zoom

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Led by Mary Atalo, a half-day retreat sponsored by Contemplative Outreach of Maryland and Washington. Icons, as opposed to paintings, are considered as “writings of the heart” which open the contemplative to “Behold” the Glory of the Lord. Many paintings can aid in our “seeing,” but icons allow us to “behold.” In our contemplative prayer,


Virtual Silent Saturday with Fr Bill Sheehan “Finding the Place of the Heart”

Internet - Online , United States

Contemplative Outreach of Columbus is offering a Silent Saturday. A Silent Saturday provides a few hours that are set aside for Centering Prayer, Lectio Divina, spiritual teaching and reflection. "Come rest awhile with the Lord" in preparation for Holy Week. Fr Bill Sheehan will discuss "Finding the Place of the Heart...Encouragement to go Deeper." Fr.


Mystic Series: Gift of Tears

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In-person and via Zoom at the Center for Contemplative Living in Elm Grove, Wisconsin, USA In ancient times contemplatives aspired to the Gift of Tears. Here and there it is treasured even today. Mingled perhaps with some ambivalence. We will touch on several perspectives of the nature of this delicate Gift: historical, contemporary, psychological, and


Physio Divina – Embodied Centering Prayer Half-Day Retreat
 – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Physio Divina - Sept 3, 2022 Online Embodied Centering Prayer Half Day Retreat https://us02web.zoom.us/j/92185854158?pwd=dDJxN0FkRkRvQWhrQURwN29SUTBFUT09 Meeting Id: 921-8585-4185 Password: 730086 An Online (Zoom) 2 ½ hour Centering Prayer retreat will be offered on the first Saturday of each month. These Saturdays will focus on Centering Prayer practices, Lectio Divina, Visio Divina, Physio Divina. We provide sacred time and space for


Fall Day of Prayer with Fr. Carl Arico – via Zoom

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"Dying to New Life: Journey Through Aging" I am telling you the truth a grain of wheat remains no more than a single grain unless it is dropped into the ground and dies. If it does die then it produces many grains. ~ John 12:24 Let us explore the practical implications of the wisdom contained


Father Vincent Pizzuto – Holy Transgression: Discipleship and the Incarnation – a hybrid event

Internet - Online , United States

This is a hybrid presentation being conducted both in person at The Center for Contemplative Living in Denver, CO and Online via Zoom videoconference. Breakfast snacks and a light lunch will be provided for in-person participants. This event will include two sessions of Centering Prayer in additional to Father Pizzuto's talk. Father Vincent Pizzuto will


For God’s Grace and Peace: A Special Call to Centering Prayer – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

In this universal time of civic discord, disease, fear for our environment and dire poverty, feeling powerless is especially hard to bear. But Thomas Keating often said: Silent prayer in community holds transformative power. And as people on a contemplative path, we know that meeting God in silence does more than refresh us. It is


Simple Presence – A Contemplative Prayer Experience with the Vision of Contemplative Outreach – via Zoom

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In Simple Presence, the divine Presence becomes an invitation for our community to listen deeply to the Spirit’s movement and action within. The event will offer a communal prayer experience dedicated to contemplation of the Vision Statement of Contemplative Outreach: “We embrace transformation in Christ, both in ourselves and in others through the practice of

Global Conversation for Contemplative Outreach Community – via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

"Sharing the Vision," offered via Zoom All are welcome to join in a gathering for volunteers, hosted by the Chapter Support Team of Contemplative Outreach Ltd. This is an opportunity for Contemplative Outreach volunteers to connect and converse in a Zoom meeting with breakout rooms. You are welcome to propose conversation topics in advance to

Online Half Day Moving meditation/Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month)

Internet - Online , United States

Online Half Day Centering Prayer/Welcoming Prayer mini-retreat via Hawaiʻi (1st Saturday of every month) May 6 @ 9:00 am - 11:30 am UTC-10 FREE First Saturdays online retreats are a special time where we explore our Centering Prayer practice. We are looking forward to sharing Physio-Divina (Moving) practices, Visio-Divina (visual-Art) practices. Lectio-Divina (Sacred Text) practices
