The Welcoming Prayer Practice via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

The Welcoming Prayer is a method for living out the teachings of Fr. Thomas Keating.  Its purpose is to deepen our relationship with God through consenting in ordinary activities.  Retreat

Exploring the Wisdom of the Gospels

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

Among the various titles given Jesus is “Wisdom Master.” An exploration of the Gospels Wisdom Parables will give us an understanding of what this title might imply. Using a Lectio

Lenten Silent Saturday with Fr. Bill Sheehan, OMI via Zoom

Internet - Online , United States

Lenten Silent Saturday 3.6.21 ♱ 9a m - 12:30 pm Pacific Time Registration is limited and required. Please register online using the link below. $15.00 donation. Questions? contact Jill Yamada


Entering the Bridal Chamber of the Heart: The Luminous Gospels

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

This retreat will explore the Christian Wisdom tradition, focusing on the extracanonical Gospels of Thomas and Mary Magdalene. These so-called Luminous Gospels came to light in the mid-20th century and

9 Day Intensive I and II Retreat

Internet - Online , United States

Pre-requisite: A daily practice of Centering Prayer for 6 months or longer. This retreat will be offered online, using Zoom. Everyone will participate in prayer, videos, and group sessions on

$350 – $650

United in Spirit Interfaith Retreat

Internet - Online , United States

Spend an enriching four hours participating in the United in Spirit virtual gathering March 20th. This year, we will continue to offer opportunities for the practice of Centering Prayer and


Centering Prayer and Divine Therapy

Internet - Online , United States

Join Dr. Jana Rentzel as she presents on the psychological dimension of Centering Prayer known as "Divine Therapy," by which we become healed of our lifetime emotional wounds and grow


Integrating Nature and Body in Contemplative Practice

Holy Family Passionist Retreat Center 303 Tunxis Road, West Hartford, CT, United States

This day-long immersion centers around the relationship of the physical world, with the journey of transformation in Christ. Participants will practice disciplines for integrating the body in the journey of