Voices 5: Susanne Vorster, New York

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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In 2007 I worked an awful lot – long, long days, always busy.  And my sister said: ‘Why don’t you give Centering Prayer a try?  Isn’t there is a Centering Prayer group at your church?’  So, I thought: ‘Oh, no! What is this anyway?  Too much time.’ But I gave it a try. After a few times ... after Centering Prayer I would go to work ... because I have a lot of work to do. And, as I was walking to work, I got distracted. I saw this store. It looked really great and thought: ‘Oh wow, what a beautiful store!’  And I went in and I asked them if they were a new store; they said ‘No’; they’ve been there for years. I just had a great time and was so happy, so full of joy and excitement! And then I realized it was like 3:00 so I went to work late on Saturday. And I was just really, really happy and I felt so peaceful. And then I got home and it was kind of late at night and on my voice mail there were a lot of messages and when I played the voice messages it was the credit card company. So I called them back as soon as possible. Told them there’s no fraud. But, then I thought ‘maybe there is some unusual activity. Maybe I’m letting the Holy Spirit into my life!’   


Durante el 2007 trabajé mucho, realmente – días largos, largos, siempre ocupada. Y mi hermana me dijo: ¿Por qué no pruebas con la Oración Centrante? ¿No hay un grupo de Oración Centrante en tu iglesia? Y yo pensé: “Ah, no! ¿Qué es eso? Me va a llevar mucho tiempo.”Pero decidí probarla. Después de unas pocas veces… después de hacer Oración Centrante iba a trabajar… porque tengo mucho trabajo. Y, caminando hacia mi trabajo me distraje. Vi un negocio. El lugar se veía muy atractivo y pensé: Qué lugar tan lindo!” Entré y les pregunté si el lugar era nuevo: dijeron que no, que hacía años que estaban allí. Lo pasé tan bien allí y estaba tan contenta, tan llena de alegría y entusiasmo! Y entonces me di cuenta de que eran como las 3:00, y terminé llegando tarde al trabajo. Y por la noche llegué, era de noche, tarde, y en el contestador había un mensaje de la compañía de mi tarjeta de crédito. Habían notado actividad inusual en mi cuenta. Les respondí la llamada y les dije que no había habido fraude. Pero luego pensé “Quizá si hay alguna actividad inusual. Quizá estoy permitiendo que el Espíritu Santo actúe en mi vida!