Voices 38: Rafael Dickson Morales, Dominican Republic

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. During this year of celebration of the 30th anniversary of Contemplative Outreach, a new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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I belong to the Contemplative Outreach community of the Dominican Republic at the House of Centering Prayer. Centering Prayer has permitted me to be more conscious of God’s love at all moments; to be more conscious of the present moment, more present to everything that I do. In everything that I do, God is with me. This has permitted me to accept reality as it is and to accept things with peace, in the certitude and trust that God is with me. Centering Prayer has been for me my therapy, my medicine. It has permitted me to find a balance between my spiritual life and all the activities I must carry out daily in my professional life and personal relationships. The world needs to be more conscious of the fact that all our activities and everything we do in a personal way affects the totality. Contemplative Outreach does this work. We are all one, and everything affects everyone and everything. It helps make us conscious of everything we do. I believe that Centering Prayer and Contemplative Outreach guide us to that goal.


Pertenezco a la comunidad de Contemplative Outreach de la República Dominicana, en la Casa de la Oración Centrante. La Oración Centrante me ha permitido ser más consciente del amor de Dios en todo momento; ser más consciente del momento presente, estar más presente a todo lo que hago. En todo lo que hago, Dios está conmigo. Eso me ha permitido aceptar la realidad tal como es y aceptar las cosas en paz, con la certeza y confianza de que Dios está conmigo. Para mi, la oración Centrante ha sido mi terapia, mi medicina. Me ha permitido encontrar un equilibrio entre mi vida espiritual y todas las actividades con las que tengo que cumplir a diario en mi vida profesional. El mundo necesita tener más conciencia del hecho de que todas nuestras actividades y todo lo que hacemos de  manera personal afecta a la totalidad. Contemplative Outreach cumple con esta tarea. Todos somos uno, y todo nos afecta a todos y a todas las cosas. Nos ayuda a ser conscientes de todo lo que hacemos. Creo que la Oración Centrante y Contemplative Outreach nos guían hacia esa meta.