Voices 101: Harriet Lee Weening, NJ, Through Centering Prayer A Miracle of Inclusivity

Voices of Grace & Gratitude are joyful expressions of grace and gratitude from the worldwide community of Contemplative Outreach for the gift of Centering Prayer in their lives and its meaning for all creation. A new video will be presented every Monday. May they serve to lift your hearts.

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In my upbringing there were two sets of kids in Elizabeth – those went to Catholic school and those who went to public school – and my family was not prejudiced in any other way but because ‘the Catholics were going to try and get you’ – and I’m talking about the 1940s so it’s important to know that. So, coming to Centering Prayer with a totally ecumenical outlook has healed so much of that prejudice in my life. It’s just been a miracle and I’m extremely grateful that it happened this way.


Gracias a la Oración Centrante un milagro de inclusión.

Donde me crié en Elizabeth había dos grupos de niños – los que iban al colegio católico y los que iban a la escuela pública – y mi familia no tenía prejuicios respecto de otros temas, salvo que pensaban que “los católicos tratarían de atraparnos”- y estoy hablando de los años 40, así que es importante tenerlo en cuenta. Por lo tanto, acercarme a la Oración Centrante con una mirada totalmente ecuménica ha sanado tanto prejuicio en mi vida. Ha sido un verdadero milagro y estoy profundamente agradecida de que haya sucedido de este modo.