Third Week of Easter: The Important Stage of Developing Ego

The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.

English Transcript

We are born with a certain identity with the experiences that are happening moment-by-moment as the brain develops it absorbs an enormous amount of information and the self only begins to be an entity after probably eight or ten months, and then it begins to grow exponentially as it begins to be held responsible to take care of itself and so on, and belong to the family, and go to school, developing consciousness and ego which is a very important stage because without a certain ego strength it is very difficult to pursue the spiritual journey with its man-sized and woman-sized expectations and demands.


Tercera Semana de Pascua: La Etapa Importante del Desarrollo del Ego

Nosotros nacemos con una cierta identificación con las experiencias que están sucediendo
momento a momento a medida que el cerebro se desarrolla absorbe una cantidad enorme de información y el yo solo comienza a ser una entidad probablemente después de ocho o diez meses, y entonces comienza a crecer de manera exponencial y comienza a ser responsable de cuidar de si mismo y así sucesivamente, pertenece a una familia y va a la escuela desarrollando la consciencia y el ego lo cual es una etapa muy importante porque sin una cierta fortaleza del ego es muy difícil llevar a cabo la travesía espiritual con sus expectativas y demandas de la talla de hombres y mujeres.