Starving at a Well Laid Table

The Gift of Life: Death & Dying, Life & Living DVD set offers a vision of hope and a view of reality that counter the cultural norms that view death as a tragedy, or the end of living, or an entry into harsh judgment and retribution. These videos are out-takes from the video series and presented here for your enrichment. A new video will be presented every Monday.

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Most of our life is spent starving at a well laid table because we don’t know how to use the gifts that we’ve received and we’re induced by society and others to try to find it in idols, that is to say, in substitutes for God. This process of purification is a process of reuniting the simplicity of a baby with its environment and, hence, we become once again, as Jesus recommended, like little children; that is, accepting everything as a gift from the Father rather than trying to make a fortune or to seek our own fortune or whatever the ideas of happiness are in the culture in which we owe our upbringing and living.


Hambrientos ante una Mesa Bien Servida

La mayor parte de nuestra vida la pasamos hambrientos ante una mesa bien servida porque no sabemos cómo usar los dones que hemos recibido y somos incitados por la sociedad y por los demás, a tratar de encontrarlos en ídolos, es decir, en sustitutos de Dios. Este proceso de purificación consiste en reunir nuevamente la simplicidad de un bebé con el medio que le rodea. Así volvemos a ser, tal como recomendó Jesús, como niños pequeños, es decir, aceptándolo todo como un regalo del Padre en lugar de tratar de hacer fortuna o de perseguir nuestros propios objetivos o cualquiera otra idea de felicidad que prevalezca en la cultura en la que nos hemos criado y en la que vivimos.