Our Voices United

Our Voices United

“To be in the kingdom is to participate in God’s solidarity with the poor by sharing with them the good things that have been given to us.  In the New Testament the great sin is to be deaf to the cry of the poor whether that cry springs from emotional, material, or spiritual need.  Although we cannot help but partake in some degree in social injustice because we live in this world, we must constantly reach out in concrete and practical ways to those in need.  Divine love is not a feeling, but a choice. “

– Thomas Keating, Meditations on the Parables of Jesus

In the spirit that exclaims, “we are all created equal,” Contemplative Outreach unites its voice with those who have been oppressed, violated, discriminated, abused, exploited, and who now are asking to be considered normal human beings! At the same time we reject the use of violence in the struggle to achieve equality. We acknowledge that those who discriminate are also human beings and in need of healing as well.

Contemplative Outreach recognizes that discrimination, being part of our cultural conditioning, can be healed by contemplative practices like Centering Prayer. We invite all of us who consciously or unconsciously recognize that we participate or have participated in acts of discrimination to open ourhearts to the healing power of God, so that united with those who have been the victims of discriminatory acts, we can all be healed together.

With the hope of love and peace for our world,

Your Governing Board