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  • Posted by plorence on July 14, 2020 at 5:27 pm in reply to: Sunday, July 12: Keeping Vigil #106730

    The world IS beautiful, because God the Creator made it so. In order to communicate this goodness with others, I must first spend time quietly, silently with Him.  I try to do this at least twice a day by practicing Centering Prayer, being present to Him/gazing upon His eternal beauty so that I can be present and compassionate to others/ so that I can be His presence in this world. There is an old hymn, a stanza of which reads: “I am but a stranger here, Heaven is my home.”  As St. Benedict said, we must keep eternity always before my eyes….If and when we have this eternal vision, we find purpose and in our existence here on earth and can stay centered/undisturbed/still in the midst of chaos.  We are here to further His kingdom here on earth- to “know, love and serve Him” and it is a joy to bring His love and compassion to those in need.

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