James Mitchell

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  • Posted by James Mitchell on March 23, 2021 at 1:50 pm in reply to: Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away #113288

    This is a poem I have been working on for several weeks and it deeply reflects the message last Sunday (3/21).


    “I tell you most definitely: that unless a seed is placed into the soil of the earth and dies, it remains alone and nothing; but when it dies, it will bear plentiful fruit for multitudes.”

    – John 12:24


    I am a seed.

    I have labored long and hard

    to be the most successful seed

    of any seed anywhere

    that has ever existed in seedmanity.


    I have come from a pure bred lineage.

    I have studied with the very learned.

    I have associated with the up and coming.

    I have eaten of the most nutritious of delicacies.

    I have exercised and am in tip-top shape.

    I have received the latest in medical science.

    I have developed technological savvy.


    Yet, I am all alone,

    separated from what I do not know,

    feeling empty and restless,

    a sense of being lost and even uselessness.


    I’ve seen the most experienced psychiatrists

    and all they say repeatedly

    is that my confusion will pass

    if I just think positive thoughts about myself.


    Yet something is rising inside of me,

    crying out in severe dismay

    and I continue to choose to ignore it;

    but no longer am I able to do so.


    For now my husk is failing me,

    cracking, splitting, rupturing,

    and I am terrified, fearful, desperate,

    in holding myself together.


    Yet the vexations have become too strenuous

    to keep up what I am trying to do,

    to save what I believe is my sole existence,

    what I have incorporated as me from authorities.








    In the distance I hear a whisper,

    unrecognizable, unknown, to me, saying,

    Let your whole self, your sense of being,

    come to me and die in me.


    What? Die? How senseless,

    unproductive is that? Doesn’t compute at all.

    This is what is now unfolding

    within you, in your inner core.


    Dying? I’ve been produced to live,

    live long, well, prosperous, self-sufficient.

    The unreality of that thinking and belief

    is now wasting away your unique gift.


    Gift? All I have is me. All I am

    is me. I made who I am.

    The delusion of that thinking and belief

    is presently denying your eternity.


    Eternity? What eternity? Once your gone,

    you’re gone. Nothing is left. I is all I got.

    The fallacy of that thinking and belief

    is shortly going to deny you everything.


    Everything? What’s everything? When I am

    about to lose everything I have known, owned.

    The unrelenting lie of that thinking and belief

    is now sealing your fate of eternal loneliness.


    So come now and die in me

    and you will have eternity.

    Who are you? Where have you come from?

    I do not comprehend anything you are saying.


    There is no need to comprehend,

    simply let happen what is happening,

    for in dying you will exceed your self,

    in death you will become ever more your self.


    For I am Life in death. I have been with you,

    in you, for all eternity. I know what you can be –

    eternity for eternity, of the All-in-all,

    gloriously, magnificently, extravagantly.








    So let go and be, releasing all that you are

    as you are, and fall into me,

    and be love eternal, ever self-giving life for

    the yet to be ineffable beauty of Divinity.


    This is the way of all creation-ing – the

    unfolding and enfolding endlessly

    of all things boundlessly – becoming

    and being of the One of Oneness, eternally.


    – James S. Mitchell, Jr

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