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  • Posted by carocpw on March 23, 2021 at 2:55 pm in reply to: Sunday March 21: Love Made Full in Giving Itself Away #113290

    Wow! What lifegiving, lifeloving gifts! Always, yet additively so through these BE-ings of blessings in poetry, and together this week!

    Gratefu! Gratefu! to the the community always, for it’s existence, and to all for all, for every time we have ‘holy communion’.  Too, for every bit of preparation and facilitation, and for each person’s generosity of Spirit in each sacred share in care, for everyOne.

    Fr. Thomas’, and this other extraordinary offering of poetry, The Planting by James S Mitchell, Jr., in tandem with The Moon Over a Waterfull visio-divina, felt gifts of the sublime divine for me today. In terms of the latter, The Planting –  the word”seedmanity” is, to name but just one moment of body/mind/heart eureka of resonant exploding & expanding. Combined with all of the shares this ‘village’ is the gift that keeps on giving.

    What a profound experience for my husband Roman and I to get to find this path at this time, to begin learning to let go to grow to nowhere, to nothing, to hopefully BEcome more while less, freer for all, we pray. It is not loss on us too, that it is indeed a privilege to be able to  ‘pandeepen’ in this time of Pandemic; to have found CP, CO, and to get to ‘fall into the arms of God’ by BEing with ‘you’ weekly. Thank you x 2!

    Thank God, literally. Thank you all!

    Best blessed Lent(s) and Easter(s) always,

    carmen (& roman) hurko –  new york, ny (origins in Canada:)

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