Sunday October 2: The Vision Has Its Time

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  • Sunday October 2: The Vision Has Its Time
    • Posted by Anonymous on October 1, 2022 at 11:00 am #128062

      To Practice: 

      • Re-read these passages again in the manner of Lectio Divina, perhaps aloud so you can feel the passages with more of your senses.  What do you hear for journey now?
      • The cry of Habakkuk is a lament. Lamentations were a common form of prayer for the Hebrew people. You are invited to ponder the following selection from the Book of Lamentations and then – if you so choose – compose your own lament or listen if a lament rises from your heart.

      I called on your name, Lord,
          from the depths of the pit.
      You heard my plea: “Do not close your ears
          to my cry for relief.”
      You came near when I called you,
          and you said, “Do not fear.”
      – Lamentations 3:55-57

      You may read the full reflection here:

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on October 2, 2022 at 1:28 pm #128509

      “All will be well. “. I am reminded of Julian of Norwich, an anchoress who lived in 13th century England. The Black Plague – like the recent pandemic –  brought death and disruption. Julian stood at her window to the street, providing a prayerful presence. Her “mantra” was “All is well. All manner of things are well. “. There was no effort to analyze or criticize God’s apparent absence. She simply trusted a divinity that was beyond her human understanding. I can draw on her words when all of my world seems  to be going awry.

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on October 2, 2022 at 5:58 pm #128518

      Though it is too early in my praying the readings this week  here where I live we are seeing the most brilliant explosion of autumn colors. There is joy, joy in my heart! The heavy lamentation mode of the these past two years+ can’t destroy this joy, joy in my hearts.  My first glance at Barabara’s poem: “Joy unspeakable is not silent, it moans, it hums and bends… a hologram of God’s heart, a black hole of unknowing……” Deep in my being I could not traverse the deep and heavy  lamentation without this joy deep in my soul! This week I have one of the most difficult things I have to do, calling two people to accountability. From the black hole of unknowing, this joy envelopes me in courage. Not alone I am only the humble instrument. I am so grateful we are praying these passages together.

      • Posted by Anonymous on October 3, 2022 at 6:47 pm #128533

        Adeline: Your joy is infectious; I feel its radiating power.  May it infuse your difficulty conversations with compassion and deep connection. Very grateful for your ongoing witness shared here. – Pamela

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on October 7, 2022 at 4:14 pm #128640

      As my week is progressing I am ever so grateful for Thomas Keating encouraging words: the movement of c.p. is all the way to the last minute of a sit. God love this. Well it’s that kind of week for me. I got through a very difficult situation yesterday; tomorrow is even more difficult. There is no way except to plunge in  trusting the Spirit. Burst of joy keep popping up. Out on a walk this week I come across a rose from the large bush in a neighbor’s yard just  blooming it’s little heart out, still there after a -7c frost. If the rose can do it; with the Spirit pulling the great load I can do my little part. I am so grateful that you are my prayer companions.

    • Posted by linda rhead on October 8, 2022 at 3:38 pm #128649

      Sunday October 2: The Vision Has Its Time

      This passage from Habakkuk was given me at the same time a writer’s vision was bestowed. As years delayed Moses, preparing his leadership, this vision is also delayed. God’s promise “though it tarries, wait for it” does not mean just sit back and do nothing. I prepare by honing my craft, doing the next practical writing assignment given me, and developing my leadership skills in order to be ready for the vision’s arrival. <3 linda

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