Sunday March 5: Look Twice

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday March 5: Look Twice

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  • Sunday March 5: Look Twice
    • Posted by Anonymous on March 3, 2023 at 9:28 pm #133514

      To Practice

      • The disciples looked, heard and retreated in fear from the unknown. When touched by love, and invited to look again, they were able to witness Christ. Where are you being called to ‘look twice’ to find the love that dances at the heart of things?

      You may reread the full email reflection here:


    • Posted by Susan Kenney on March 5, 2023 at 3:06 pm #133571

      “They saw only Jesus”. Yet the apostles carried that moment of divine presence as they accompanied Jesus down the mountain and into daily life. There are times in our communal silence when we become aware of a Presence that we often fail to notice in the day to day. However, like the apostles, we are invited to recognize that Presence among us – not as something to cling to, but as something that gives us the grace to see that Presence in all creation, in the ordinary moments of our lives.

    • Posted by linda rhead on March 6, 2023 at 8:38 pm #133633

      Sunday March 5: Look Twice

      Where am I being called to “look twice” to find the love that dances at the heart of all things? When hurt or afraid I retreat to my heart. Bold and adventurous live in the mind. Can my centering prayer practice make dance partners of fear and boldness, following God’s lead as the Primary Partner? Can an adventuresome love help me dance with my hurts and see God in all things? I will take this image of ternion dancing with me this week in my sits. <3 linda

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on March 10, 2023 at 10:26 pm #133807

      That place between the intellect and the heart is that “look twice” place of “listen to the one I love”.  Sitting quietly following a huge evacuation time I am becoming more aware of the vast number I am invited to embrace and listen to in my day to day life, those I am being pointed to on the periphery where I am most at home and I quietly receive as the living Eucharist, and here I dwell…. in a prolonged A–M—E——N

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by Adeline Behm.
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