Sunday February 7: Let Us Go …

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  • Sunday February 7: Let Us Go …
    • Posted by Anonymous on February 6, 2021 at 6:57 pm #111713

      [link to full email]:

      [excerpt from email]: “… These wise elders repeatedly affirmed the ‘wisdom of the desert’ with its clear focus on a Christ-centered kenosis. They made it increasingly clear that any desire for personal transformation must include a commitment to serve the transformation of the whole human family.” – Justin Langille, There is Nothing between God and You: Awakening to the Wisdom of Contemplative Silence 

      To Practice: Continuing this week with our practice of listening for silent inner promptings, can you discern how you are being “acted upon”, or what wisdom is being offered for your life now? You may wish to practice Lectio Divina with these passages to give yourself over to listening more deeply.


    • Posted by CWRjr on February 7, 2021 at 4:42 pm #111735

      The poem gives me new energy this morning.  There is a glorious snowfall.  I think I will take a walk.  I did the same a week ago and I was struck by the thought that the snow on the limbs and branches of the trees was really a tangible witness to God’s love and the Spirit’s grace.  I wonder what I will see today?  Maybe all the bare branches will be open and lifting up in prayer to the Creator.

      It is only of late after some 35 + years that I have realized that my commitment to the Cystic Fibrosis community was indeed personally transforming. You see, our son has CF and I considered everything I did as ‘personal’.  Of late, I have accepted it as a community ministry.  Slowly, I am leaving the ego, the competitiveness and the need for personal affirmation aside.  Maybe, I will write about all the impact on me, my wife, our family and of course, our son.  He has become my role model.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on February 11, 2021 at 7:47 pm #111816

      thank you Pamela, for guiding us through  lectio divina on our zoom meeting tueday. like so many things….reading about how to do it is miles away from knowing from actually doing it(with modeling).

      How am i being acted upon? im letting myself not know… to be with the not knowing , eschewing closure ( letting it go) While having a couple of rough days, I resisted  the urge to tell a story about my afflictive emotions or to try to understand the other person as if they were an object. i committed to not analyzing myself as if i were an  object. i intend to witness the mystery of people , and only going forward with probing if i am given clear guidance.

      grasping power is a trap. Agency is another thing…available while staying conscious of God.

      Failure is a gift.

      smiling with this acceptance.kathy

    • Posted by linda rhead on February 23, 2021 at 12:12 am #112765

      Sunday, February 7: Let Us Go…

      What wisdom is being offered for my life? I have known my commitment to the spiritual journey included, as Father Keating pointed out, everybody; past, present and to come. I had an opportunity to do a prayer reflection with my maternal grandfather, via an imaginative reflective journaling exercise. His encouraging words to me are “do this for us.” The wisdom offered me is “stay the course,” so I shall, to the best of my ability. <3 linda

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