Sunday February 5: The Greatest Service

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday February 5: The Greatest Service

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  • Sunday February 5: The Greatest Service
    • Posted by Anonymous on February 3, 2023 at 3:32 pm #132135

      To Practice:

      • Prayerfully re-read these passages aloud in the manner of Lectio Divina, so your whole being can hear, feel and sense them. What do you hear for your journey now?
      • This week, shine the inner, loving light of awareness on your actions, attitudes, dispositions or even memories. With curiosity and acceptance, what do you learn?

      You can re-read the full email reflection here:

    • Posted by Marie on February 8, 2023 at 1:34 pm #132408

      We are fortunate that God in His wisdom gives us a lifetime to discover the unconscious programs within us that influence our actions. Our meditations are an unequivocal means to uncover those hidden motivations that we become so content to live with. Thank you, Holy Spirit for your inspiration.

      May I ask  this community for additional prayers for me , especially tomorrow, Thursday.  I am undergoing a left lung lobectomy and may not be joining the chapels for some time.  My saintly grandmother used to instruct us saying we should pray for those who cannot pray for themselves.  How wise she was. Now I understand.  Thank you, chapel-goers!  Marie from Long Island, NY



      • Posted by Anonymous on February 8, 2023 at 5:02 pm #132526

        Marie: We will definitely hold you in prayer tomorrow and during your recovery. – Pamela

    • Posted by linda rhead on February 9, 2023 at 5:10 pm #132557

      Sunday February 5: The Greatest Service
      Where can I make compassionate attention my intention this week? I belong to a group of Zoom friends who have been meeting regularly the past three years. Health and wellness goals brought us together and are still important. We struggle to provide enough structure to our time together to challenge our growth areas, while remaining fluid enough when a crisis comes we can support each other. I’m not certain how my compassionate attention will best serve this group, yet I know that it must. <3 linda

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on February 9, 2023 at 10:52 pm #132608

      A key phrase springs out from my lectio: when  we take a clean look at what we see – stop being strangers to ourselves, we increase  the number of ways we can respond  to what arises”. Though this has been one of the most difficult years of my life, it’s also been an energizing experience  of detachment from myself to give my all. “That clean look” has been possible by my consenting  to the work of the Indwelling Spirit.  Tuesday I celebrated my birthday. So much for which to be grateful. I simmer in non-dual gratitude.

      • Posted by Anonymous on February 10, 2023 at 4:41 pm #132664

        You are an inspiration for me, Adeline. Always growing, always going deeper, always willing to show up. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. – Pamela

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