Sunday August 21 – Harvest in The Healing Place

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  • Sunday August 21 – Harvest in The Healing Place
    • Posted by pbegeman on August 17, 2022 at 10:39 pm #127418


      • Pray these passages in the manner of Lectio Divina, perhaps aloud so they resonate in your body and senses more directly. What do you hear for your life now?
      • When you next sit, before you begin your practice, wonder for a few moments about God’s loving gaze upon you. Although nothing is concealed from God, do you sense yourself holding onto something today, you might release from your grip, as you gently ease your way towards door to God’s love.

      You may read the full email reflection here:


    • Posted by Brenda Bayne on August 23, 2022 at 10:57 am #127480

      “You are not dead yet, it’s not too late
      to open your depths by plunging into them
      and drink in the life
      that reveals itself quietly there.”
      – Anita Barrows and Joanna Macy, Du siehst, ich will viel, from Rilke’s Book of Hours

      I know;  and yet it is always so very reassuring and encouraging to be reminded that it’s never too late to keep growing and to go deeper, wider, more fully and ever so gently “towards God’s door of love”.
      And then through that door when the time comes.

    • Posted by Susan Kenney on August 23, 2022 at 2:08 pm #127483

      “The trouble with commitment is closing the door on other options”. Years ago, I had a conversation with Sister Clare Graham, a member of our parish. She was observing that I was doing many ministries; my reply was “But, Clare, there is an energy in YES”  And she answered, “But, Sue, there is a grace in NO “. I have said “no” to many things, but usually so that I can say “yes” to something new. Saying “no” requires vision, commitment and focus. I clearly must pray for grace. Again and again.

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 23, 2022 at 2:32 pm #127484

      Following on this morning: maybe focusing on the narrow gate, squinting to see the target, could that be taking place in the heart? Could it happen only now?

    • Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on August 23, 2022 at 6:35 pm #127486

      Knowing what is most important and focusing on it has been nearly impossible for me. That is why the puzzling image and the clouds in the picture resonated with me. Still I see through a glass darkly.

      The only thing I can do is turn to God in the passing moment and say “What now?” “What do you want?” There is still the inner weather to be in and with, while applying myself to the next best thing. Then, a brand new moment. The day turns out to be a world unto itself.

    • Posted by linda rhead on August 23, 2022 at 9:45 pm #127489

      Sunday August 21: Harvest in The Healing Place

      I have fixed my face toward the narrow door of God’s path for me – that was the hard part. Sylvester O’Flynn’s statement resonates: “…once the direction is right there can be a relaxed and gentle movement forward which allows one to enjoy the journey to God’s door.” Regardless of setback or easy walking, being present in twice daily centering prayer eases my frustrations with current physical limitations. I accept I am doing what God intends I do today. <3 linda

    • Posted by Adeline Behm on August 26, 2022 at 6:43 pm #127527

      In the image this week, I see myself before the beckoning narrow door, crouched over, a hand over my eyes. Unaware, that behind me the soft colors of the “the foolishness of God” (1Cor1:25) are   absorbing  my ego program,  one descent into the abyss, over an over. The red bar of the door, a sign of the availability of courage.


    • Posted by keagandaniel706 on October 4, 2022 at 9:46 am #128559

      When I look at the image for this week, I see myself knelt down in front of the invitingly narrow door with my hand covering my eyes. Unaware that the gentle hues of “the folly of God” (1 Corinthians 1:25) are suffocating my ego program, which consists of a single plummet into the abyss, repeated over and over again. The door’s scarlet crossbar served as an indication that bravery was readily available.

      • This reply was modified 1 year, 9 months ago by pbegeman.
    • Posted by Brenda Bayne on October 4, 2022 at 12:49 pm #128561

      I wasn’t able to get to Sunday’s Word u Til this morning – I was taken aback by the opening lines How long O Lord?  I have been praying this along with Ps 13 for a couple of weeks.  Neither in their entirety for I do not despair that God does not hear me and I know and sense God with me, nevertheless, how long?, as I watch both my adult children with health problems.
      Thank you for the verses from Lamentations at the end, I am comforted by them.

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