Reply To: Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth Reply To: Sunday March 19: Live in Light, Walk in Truth

Posted by Kathleen M. Kelly on March 20, 2023 at 11:51 am #133977

More thought on the gospel passage, though from a different angle….

extrapolating from the condition of blindness. The Pharisees were blinded by their own satisfaction while the blind Mann could be cured because he knew he was blind. Spiritual illness is the worse handicap. Yet we are obsessed in our culture with physical illness and big big medical centers to assuage our fear of death. In medieval times, it was more important to make peace with Gid and others before death, not preventing death itself, at any cost. In the service of that living faith, Notre Dame and Charted were built. Now it’s not cathedrals. It’s medical centers.

this has knocked my socks off for the last 24 hours. I did a deep dive into the Girardian lectionary for this moving reflection. It certainly is a corrective to the fear of physical death.