Reply To: Sunday November 20: Awaken in Christ’s Body

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday November 20: Awaken in Christ’s Body Reply To: Sunday November 20: Awaken in Christ’s Body

Posted by Brenda Bayne on November 22, 2022 at 8:40 am #129473

Thank you Carolyn, I had not seen a lifted host and “The Body of Christ” as “…she is naming me”.

Thank you Pamela and team for Symeon in Sunday’s email.  Practising really gazing at and seeing my hands etc as Christ’s body is profound.  I have intellectually understood and tried to live Symeon’s “we wake up in Christ’s body” and Teresa of Avila’s, “Christ has no body now but yours”  as God in this world through me, through all of us, but actually focussing in this way is a visceral experience for which I am deeply grateful.
Sending much gratitude for all you do for us ??