Reply To: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection Reply To: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection

Posted by pbegeman on August 8, 2022 at 4:25 pm #127159

Dear Ones:  this is the prayer Linda Jackim mentioned in the Wednesday Word of the Week prayer group:


Joe’s Prayer is adapted from a prayer of Teilhard de Chardin. It further illuminates these words (included in this week’s reflection):

Come into Being as you pass away.
– Gospel of Thomas Logion 42


Now that I have found the joy of utilizing

all forms of growth to let you grow in me,

grant that I may willingly consent

to this last phase of communion

in the course of which I shall possess

you by diminishing in you.

When the signs of age begin to mark my body . . .

when the ill that is to diminish me or carry me off

strikes from without or is born within me . . .

When the painful moment comes in which

I suddenly awaken to the fact

that I am ill or growing old,

and above all that last moment

when I feel I am losing hold of myself . . .

O God, grant that I may understand

that it is you who are painfully

parting the fibers of my being

in order to penetrate to the very marrow of my substance

and bear me away within yourself.