Reply To: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection Reply To: Sunday July 31: The Grace of Inner Resurrection

Posted by Adeline Behm on August 6, 2022 at 5:04 pm #127134

Come into Being as you pass away.
– Gospel of Thomas Logion 42

All week i struggled to get past the examen question ” What is my most precious  story?” All it seemed I could do was centering prayer and the welcome prayer, till this morning when the child of my ego self met my inner child. Long ago, perhaps forty years  or so, during a guided mediation, God was this robust prairie willow on the edge of a prairie slough, and me, ( my inner child) was a very very small willow, oh so so, close to this robust prairie willow. Perhaps around the same time it was time for a new stage in  my ego development, when I discover I have ( or am) an “i am”. This week I come face to face with the mirage exposing my “no such self”. Once again I am trusting the big I AM to empower my powerlessness as I continue to consent to ” coming into being”. In humble gratitude!