Reply To: Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love Reply To: Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love

Posted by linda rhead on June 26, 2022 at 8:38 pm #125243

Sunday June 26: Plough the Furrow of Love

Where is Jesus asking me to travel not yesterday but tomorrow? Jesus asks first for me to stop the violent inner dialogue directed at myself, and to daily embrace His grace. Freely I accept, freely I disperse that grace imperfectly around my life. I try to smile, sometimes I cannot. I try to lift up, sometimes I chip away at another. I am forgiven, and am sent back out, not to call fire down from heaven but to plead grace like rain fall on all creation. Lord, hear my prayer. <3 linda