Reply To: Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence Reply To: Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence

Posted by linda rhead on April 25, 2022 at 9:10 pm #123485

Sunday April 24: Resurrected Presence

What do I hear in the silence for my journey now? Breakdown can be break through if I can see new life struggling to emerge, within me and within our world. Father Richard’s “we want transformation without cost” aligns to Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s concept of “cheap grace”. That first breakdown to break through was terrifying and freeing at the same time. It allowed following transformations to proceed with more of a memorial service for my old life. Lord, keep me every transforming to Your glory and my joy. Amen. <3 linda