Reply To: Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith Reply To: Sunday March 27: Eyes of the Heart, Eyes of Faith

Posted by tcf2_comcast_net on March 27, 2022 at 11:45 am #122701

Several reactions to this reading.

-“our egos create divisions between the privileged and oppressed, between human em beings and the rest of creation.”  I’m so glad to see Fr Keating remember “the rest of creation.”  I grieve as I see my own community gobble up natural habitat, wooded areas clear cut to make room for condos.  I have a space outside where I can stand in a circle of trees and feel more energy from their lives in thst spot than I can in a church service – hmmm,  maybe I’m being too divisive in the other direction.

As for oppression others, June and I are reading now with dismay about how our own Episcopal. Church has in the past embraced class and race privilege in so many ways.  One of our seminaries was founded in 1859 specifically to promote the superiority of “Ango-Saxon” people.

Is anyone here also getting Spiritus? As we discuss Fr K’s  warning about hearing voices, it does seem that Dr King had a strong premonition