Reply To: Easter Sunday April 4: Light, Life, Love

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Easter Sunday April 4: Light, Life, Love Reply To: Easter Sunday April 4: Light, Life, Love

Posted by ktahimsa_gmail_com on April 4, 2021 at 6:56 pm #113523

Two things: first, your security measures almost kept me from getting to this forum at all, and I got lost navigating my way to this email to make a comment. (It was awful. I don’t think I will attempt it again.) If you’ve had problems with people “hacking into” your website, I’m sorry to hear it.

All of this because I wanted to thank you for the link to the Easter Oratorio. I was not familiar with this piece of music. I actually left the original video and found one that played the entire oratorio without interruption. Wonderful! I researched the oratorio to find out what it was about, and it’s the scene in the scriptures when Mary Magdalene and Mary of James are finding the empty tomb with Peter and John. So they are the quartet, and the choir are the rest of the apostles (and presumably, us).

(Since this is probably the only time I will leave a comment on the forum), I’ll end by saying that I greatly enjoy the artwork posted with the emails for visio divina, and the occasional videos for musica divina. And I particularly liked today’s reflections, and always find them thoughtful. Many thanks.