Reply To: Sunday February 14: Touches of The Spirit

Home Forums Word of the Week Sessions Sunday February 14: Touches of The Spirit Reply To: Sunday February 14: Touches of The Spirit

Posted by Susan Kenney on February 16, 2021 at 11:07 pm #112597

Today we listen to the story of Jesus as he reaches out and touches a person in need of healing. During this time of pandemic, many of us have been unable to touch our loved ones in their final hours. Today, two of the participants are grieving. Each had just lost a special person and had been unable to touch that person. By the grace of God, we reached beyond time and space to touch these two gently and lovingly.  As our time together ended, I sat at my table, tears streaming down my face. Once again, I have experienced the presence of this “ virtual” community in new and surprising ways.